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Looking for who sings this song?

It is an older song and it goes something like this

I was walking along

minding my business

love came and hit me in the eye

wham, bam, alakazam

under that old country sky

The lyrics might not be exact, btu that is the closest that I can remember them. Any help on this would be great. Artist? Song Title?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The title of that song is Orange Colored Sky. The artist is Natalie Cole. Here are the lyrics:

    ♪I was walkin' along

    Mindin' my business

    When out of an orange colored sky

    Flash! Bam! Alakazam!

    Wonderful you came by.♪

    ♪I was hummin'a tune,

    Drinkin'in sunshine

    When out of that orange colored view

    Wham! Bam! Alakazam!

    I got a look at you.♪

    ♪One look and I yelled, " Timber!

    Watch out for flying glass!"

    ‘Cause the ceiling fell in and the bottom fell out,

    I went into a spin and I started to shout,

    "I’ve been hit! This is it! This is it!"♪

    ♪I was walking along minding my business,

    When love came and hit me in the eye...

    Flash! Bam! Alakazam!

    Out of an orange colored sky.♪

    (Musical Interlude)

    ♪Well, one look and I yelled, "Timber!

    Watch out for flying glass!"

    ‘Cause the ceiling fell in and the bottom fell out,

    I went into a spin and I started to shout,

    "I've been hit! This is it! This is it!"♪

    ♪I was walking along, minding my business,

    When love came and hit me in the eye...

    Flash! Bam! Alakazam!

    Out of an orange, colored, purple striped,

    Pretty green polka dotted sky...

    Flash! Bam! Alakazam!...

    and good bye

    wow i thought love was a lot softer than that what a most disturbing sound♪

  • Erika
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Orange Colored Sky Lyrics

  • 1 decade ago

    Nat king cole

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