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Joe D
Lv 4
Joe D asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

My dog is having behavioral issues?

For the last week my dog has gone #2 on the bedroom floor right around 3 a.m. She did it three nights in a row, then I put her in her crate at night for 2 nights and she didn't go. I left her out the next night and she didn't go again. Last night we left her out and at 3:30 this morning she went #2 on the floor again. Why would she be doing this. We have a four month old baby so she doesn't get as much attention as she was but a couple of the times she's done this were on nights where she got a lot of attention. Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions? Thanks in advance.


I take her outside every night before bed and make sure she goes #2 and #1 before I let her back in the house. She was never crated at night before. She's crated all day while we're at work so I don't like crating her at night if I don't have to. The baby's sleeping through the night now so we're not getting up with him. We're sound asleep when she does this. The smell is what wakes us up.

As for her feeding, i've always let my dogs self-regulate their own food. It's never been a problem for two years. They eat when they get hungry. She usually eats during the day while we're at work so she usually doesn't eat in the evening anyways. I will crate her at night for a while and see how it goes.

Thanks to all the advice except for Sensible Solutions who was yelling at me telling me it was my fault. That wasn't really helpful. We pay plenty of attention to the dog, just not as much as we used to obviously. We still make it a point to take her outside and play ball with her.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dogs, like kids, have a major adjustment period when a baby is brought home. They will also have delayed resonses (you said the baby is 4 months old) - for a while, the baby was just something new, and now your dog is figuring out that it isn't going away! Some extra attention will be needed, otherwise, most likely, she will start to act out in other ways - eating furniture, pottying other places in the house, things like that.

    Keeping her in a crate was an excellent idea and you should continue doing so - but you'll need to stay consistent with this, not just a couple of nights here, a couple of nights there. Try for a month (with the extra love and attention) then consider having you go back to her normal routine.

    Also - just as a side note - have you had to alter her feeding schedule lately? So that maybe you are feeding her later at night. If thats the case, it could just be that simple of a fix!

    Good luck and congrats on the new baby!

    Source(s): Married to an animal behaviorst, specializing in dogs : >
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Keep her in the crate at night and make it a permanent arrangement or at least until she gets back into a normal routine (more than a few days) - sort of back to basic housetraining. Try and work in more attention for her - walks with her without the baby as much as you can. Some dogs go through this when there is new change, including a new family member (human or canine).

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, for the time being, it would seem that using your crate is the best thing. Do it for a month or so, then maybe give her a trial run again and she how she does.

    Nothing wrong with a dog sleeping in a crate at nite time for their whole life. They're just sleeping and it's a safe zone, and protects your home if the dog is having accidents.

  • 1 decade ago

    Change is stressful for dogs, make sure she is getting out to potty before bed, crate her at night and potty her as soon as possible in the a.m. If she ever bugs to go outside drop what you are doing to let her out to do her business. If there are any signs of health problems get her to the vet, for example the poop is runny or she has little white dots on her butt.

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  • maxmom
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Several possibilities:

    If he is having potty issues at night, he is not getting enough outside time before bed.

    If you or your wife are getting up at night with the baby, your dog may be taking that as a signal that it is time to get up and "go" so to speak.

    If so, let her out (if you have a fenced yard) when you are up with the baby.

    You don't say if she was usually crated before the baby came, but whatever you did before, you need to do now. Don't mix up her sleeping routine when you have other big changes going on in the house.

  • 1 decade ago

    Make sure she gets to go out to potty every evening before she goes to bed -- and I mean go out there WITH her and watch her do it, don't just open the door and hope she does something while she's out. Also make sure she gets to go out first thing in the morning as well. And crate her EVERY night -- dogs thrive on consistency.

  • 1 decade ago

    If she had a regular program for her toilet before your baby (congratulations by the way) please try to go back and stick to it. She may do this if her regular program (feeding, toilet, playing) interrupted by baby issues. She may try to take your attention. So I suggest you to split into 2 teams with your wife and one of you take care of her activities such as walking, playing while the other one is taking care of the baby.

    Good luck

  • 1 decade ago

    obviously she doesnt go when she is in the kennel. kennel her at night and there u go. problem solved. or u can get up and let her out. she probably warns u but u dont get up. so either get up and let her out or kennel her those r ur two options

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