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Anna asked in Food & DrinkCooking & Recipes · 1 decade ago

what are you suppose to put in baked potatoes?

i bought some potatoes yesterday, to make baked potatoes today. i got cheese, and cour cream to go with it.

but what else do you put on there? any meat?

sour cream and cheese sounds too plain.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bacon is always a good extra!

    I make twice baked potatoes a lot, which is when you bake them like normal, then cut the potatoes in 1/2, scoop out the insides into a bowl, mix in 1/2 and 1/2 (or milk), cheese, chopped up broccoli and bacon. Then you refill the potato skins, top with some more cheese then reheat until the cheese is melted. This topped with sour cream would be great!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, Bacon bits are good. Sour cream and chives is another popular one.

    Cheese (with bacon bits and/or sour cream) can be OK.

    When in London (UK), I found a "fast food" place that soled "jacket potatoes" (what we call baked potatoes).

    The place was called: Enough 2 feed an elephant.

    They had only baked potatoes, with a choice of something like 35 toppings. They had the above.

    They also had baked beans, chili, cottage cheese, spinach (cooked or raw with salad dressing).

    My favorite was chili and cheddar cheese.

    According to the web site (which is not theirs), they now have sandwiches and cakes and other stuff.


    Vince, please, you're making me hungry!

  • 1 decade ago

    Typical items that can go in/on a baked potato are;

    Butter, cheese, bacon, sour cream and chives. Some people like broccoli and cheese or salsa, cheese, sour cream and black olives too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well try this, you can put cheese, and butter in it. It tastes really good! First when you bake the potato, you cut it in half and put in the cheese or butter. Then you wrap both halfs of the potato in foil and leave it there for like 5 minutes or less. Try it your going to love it! I promise you~

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  • 1 decade ago

    Bacon, slices of ham. Scramble up an egg and serve it on top. Chives or green onions. Grilled onions. "Pico de Gallo" made with diced tomatoes, yellow and green onions, cilantro and a bit of oil and vinegar.


    Boil some chicen breast in garlic powder and italian seasonings. Shred it and spread it.

    Sliced hard boiled eggs.

    In short, if you can eat it, you can probably find a way to top a potato with it.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are good with just butter and cheese too. Some people like brocoli and cheese. Just about anything works. Believe it or not chili and cheese is good too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you can try to put with the sour cream and cheese these things also :

    - minced meat grilled with shoped onions or scallions with minced parsley

    mixed all together

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    chilie over baked potaoes

  • 1 decade ago

    bacon bits.

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