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what gives us proof that space is infinite and it just keeps going?

obviously we have only traveled so far into space to know whats all out there...right?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Who are we? I haven't been past 30 thousand feet. The universe is in a test tube in a seven year old childs chemistry set hiding in his closet. The seven year old is God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Space is not infinite. It has a definite limit and if the universe was infinite then the entire night sky would be as bright as the sun. The Cosmic Microwave Background is approaching the edge of the universe because it is radiation left over from the creation of this universe. If the universe was infinite that would mean that no matter where you pointed in the sky, line of sight would eventually intersect with a star and the entire night sky would be extremely luminious. But the fact that the universe is dynamic and finite and filled with dust means that the night sky you see will be dark. Hope this helps.

    Source(s): college astronomy / physics
  • goring
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The Universe itself is so massive that it can in reality be actually considered a black hole where no light can escape.

    If that is the case then the Universe is finite with a definite event horizon.

    Therefore, if we are to travel beyond it it could not be accomplished by Natural means .

    Beyond the Universe is a domain where Scientific observation finds its limits.

    Then we have to accept the Revelation in the Holy Bible which indicates beyound the Universe is what is Called "Heaven"

    If the theory of Relativity indicates that Time is a relative quantity which obeys the Rules of General relativity.

    Hence the Universe was Created basically in a relativistic Timeless Environment. Therefore it is imposible to relate it to the time we measure relative to the solar system processes.

    Hence from observation frame of reference relative to the Geometric center of the Universe relative to some point in our Creator's Heaven there would appear a relativity that is infinite. Hence What Universal Creation appears to science as billions of years would then be a incorrect relativity estimation .Relativistically Creation should appear not as billion of years but as six trillion years. Whereas Biblical revelation indicates that our Creator Spoke into existance the Universe.The time span was literally given as seven human days.So why should the Revelation of our Creator conflict with Science? =It is rather science that conflicts with our Creator. The reason is that science tries to decifer the Universe in terms of equations.From experience we know that equations are only approximations which may or may not represent reality.

    The dilemma of modern science is that it is unable to reconcile Magnetism with time and Gravitational Energy with the motion of forces. Not Understanding the Cause of motion and the Power constrains of Gravity,there is still no realistic basis to Understand what hold all masses into a structure and the time required to keep them into a gravitational structure.The formula E= MC^2 implies a gravitational mass structure where its basic components forming the structure are moving at the Speed of light. within the volume of the strucure. Well could it be wrong?

    The Bigest anomally was to apply a wrong description of what the substance of space really consists of.

    Source(s): General relativity Biblical revelation of Creation of mass and space strurctures
  • Colt
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The big bang theory suggest that space is expanding, therefore finite. Expanding into what however is good question.

    All the large things in space, the solar systems, and universes, are getting farther apart, some at very high speeds.

    How could that be? Take a balloon and put 100 dots on it with a marker. Then blow it up. As it expands, the dots will be farther and farther apart.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The Hubble space telescope. When they pointed this device at a dark patch of the sky an image of the distant universe developed like that of a polaroid picture, the light from these places was still just arriving here. Some have experimented with laser measurements and found space to curved, suggesting that if one to traveled in a "straight" line they would end up where they began.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is no proof that its infinite - and most physicists today don't believe it is.

    It may have been expanding since the big bang much faster than the speed of light but no matter how fast something that starts with limited size can't grow to infinity - ever.

    Many think that the universed is curved in a higher dimension like a doughnut - what this means in our dimension is that it would be like a game of asteroids - if you go off the side of the screen you just end up on the opposite side.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some of the above answers are wrong.

    Evolutionsts believe that the universe is finite and unbounded.

    Creationists believe that the universe is finite and bounded.

    'Big bang' theory indeed flows naturally from the equations of general relativity, but only if a particular starting assumption is made, one which leading cosmologists admit is totally arbitrary and ideological, namely that the universe is unbounded—that is, having no edge and thus no centre.

    When this is replaced by the opposite assumption (which, though equally arbitrary, seems more in line with biblical presuppositions), namely that the universe is finite and bounded, the same equations of general relativity produce a radically different result.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mainly the fact that the WMAP results indicate that space is flat (at least to the limits of what the satellite can detect).

    Flat space means that the universe is infinite.

  • 1 decade ago

    actually in about 13.7 billion years ago the universe was born and it was expanding and it is expand faster and faster every time why it is still expanding while you read this but it will not "keep going" forever like 100 billion years for now the universe is zillions and zillions of light years or centuries long and it will stretch out everything atoms planets stars and galaxies and space will be cold and empty

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is NOT infinite. It is bounded by the edge of the Universe.

    There is actually no such thing as infinity, it is a mathematical construction like the square root of -1. It doesn't actually exist but it is handy for some mathematical processes.

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