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Who REALLY thinks if we had "free" National Health Care, that it would be free?

Michael Moore made Cuba's Health care look like the best thing but in reality most doctors in Cuba are trying to get out of the country, and you WAIT for months for needed care! Same thing in Canada... Does anyone really see a benefit to this type of system?

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can tell you something ..... if we had a nationalized health care system ..... the general quality of the system would go right down the toilet. I can say this from one who has worked inside this system as well as benefited from care within this system.

    Quality and cutting edge advances would go out the door/window once our government took over.

    Cuba has a very low quality medical care system ..... no matter what Michael Moore may say. He's an idiot making money off his movies and not pumping that money back into the system he wants us to change.


  • 1 decade ago

    Only the freeloaders who are expecting it to be this wonderful new system with free care for all and better benefits than the ones we have. They are being naive if they believe what Hillary and the libs are dishing out. The health care in other countries is horrible. You wait for months to be seen and can die while waiting for treatments. I know, we lost a good friend who lived in England and who had cancer. I would hate to see all that we have be taken away and the Government in charge of our future care. I want what I have now. It isn't perfect but it is better than other nations have. I can choose my own doctor and can go where I want to for the care I need. I see no benefit to changing our system. One of the biggest problems we have is that we provide free care for all the illegals and we are paying a very high price. It is insane!! Work on this problem first and see how it goes.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm from Canada and though I have been fortunate enough never to have a serious life threatening illness, so I can not say for certain about the wait list on that. I do like being able to get medical care for all the health problems my family has had and to be able to give birth without out a second thought to finances. Canada's health care system is not just for those who can not afford healthcare it is used by everyone rich and poor and depending on your income you pay a health care premium on your income tax, it is certainly not more probably less that you pay for private insurance.

  • Jose R
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It will be free of charge at the moment of use. If we were to apply your reasoning we would not be able to use the word free in commerce or anything, because being free is not free.

    When it come to benefits I will suggest you do a little research about France and Canada health care system and then come back with your questions. Make sure that if the facts do not fit your theory you change the facts.

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  • 1 decade ago

    why does everyone associate national health care with "free"? National health care is paid for with taxes. People associate toll roads with pay roads & other roads as free. No way, all roads are paid for, either with tolls or taxes. Everything you get is paid for, either direct(private) or taxes(government). Medicare isn't "free". It is paid for in payroll taxes. You pay all your life & then collect the dividend after you are older. We all get older! Private healthcare is paid for by you. And then when you need it you hope the insurance company lives up to their end of the bargain & pays for it. Doesn't always happen that way. Many times your insurance "provider" refuses to pay. Good luck!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    there has to be an happy medium.Right now health care is too expensive.Health care insurance are very expensive as soon as you can not pay the premium anymore you are without insurance.Yes we need national health care insurance,for everyone working or not,People should still be able to use private health care if they dis-ire to do so too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its a good idea but horrible in practice we need to stop suing doctors and leave the small family practice alone we need doctors who know us oh and get rid of insurance companies they are leaches thats the problem the insurance company is legal extortion give us money or u cant drive or get well if your sick oh but if u do pay us we will only give u what u absolutely need to breath i hate insurance companies they have single handedly well them and the lawyers hand in hand has destroyed the american civilization

  • $0.02
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    what about UK, France, Japan, and all the other countries that have it. Surely you dont mean to suggest that every other industiralized nation is doing it the wrong way and only the US is doing it right?

    I would rather see my tax dollars spent on healthcare for people that dont have it. Than on billion dollar jets and nuclear warheads.

  • 1 decade ago

    cons always talk about other people spending their money, like they are the only ones who work and pay taxes. well, this liberal, as others above me have said, would rather do and pay for something beneficial for all of the country, than pay for a war that we can't get out of.

    if cons can pay for their patriotic war, how about me using my taxes for health care.

  • I dont see why we couldnt - Norway does it. We just have a bunch of jerk lobbyists not wanting it so it doesnt happen here. Insurance companies make BANK on that. Look what happened with the oil companies - we are at war because of their greed.

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