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Gift ? What to wear Bar Mitzvah?

My boyfriend and I are invited to my boss's son's Bar Mitzvah. I am not sure what is a proper way to dress, or gift to give. I am not Jewish. I am very honored to go to this, however I am at a loss. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    Well a gift a lot of people use is a check.... it dosen't have to be much like 18, 36, 50, ....etc. (you get the point.) another possibility could be a siddur (daily prayer book) a machzor (holiday prayer book) or machzor set. (those are ,my guess, expensive) . You could also buy a Menorah (Channukah)or a Seder Plate (Pesach) (also my guess expensive). Other things are watches and stuff.


    Something not that you would wear to a wedding, but still fancy. Your boyfriend should wear a suit.

    These are suggestions. I have only been to 1 bar mitzvah but, i have been to many bat mitzvas so they are a little diffrent but not much.

    Source(s): Me
  • 5 years ago

    you are able to placed on a appropriate shirt, an informal interest jacket, and an informal pair of pants, or an exceptionally nice sweater and shirt, and slacks. i think of a Bar Mitzvah funds preserving card, with a $50 bill enclosed is a stronger than a beneficiant present. Have an exceptionally nice time!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    many people give mone at bar mitzvah's

    just dress nice, like a dress

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Something formal and smart

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