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Why do some gay guys talk like that?

You know what I mean. That specific way some gay men talk. And don't try to tell me they don't. They do. I went camping at Fifes in Guerneville CA. It was all gay men. Well, like three lesbians. Otherwise... Some of them did talk like that. Too many, I'd say. So did my roommate's friend "Sparkles".

My mother and her boyfriend spoke like that on occasion, calling things "fabulous". Before fifes, I always got mad at them because I found it stereotypey badness. Once I actually heard it en masse, though... it was a bit more difficult.

I find it irritating.

I know this question has been asked before, but I wasn't satisfied with the answers.


I am not just dissing campy speaking gays for fun. I am genuinely curious. Mr. Jeremy Bradley etc. etc., I doubt that you have never said anything about a certain person or group you saw at a gay (or any)event, regardless of whether it was positive or negative. It is natural to speak and be curious about things you have seen, noticed, read about. Silly to suggest otherwise or attempt to shame me. Once I saw some performance art. A chick ate glass. It was awesome. How does one learn to eat glass, I wonder?

I just find it odd and am curious.

If it makes any difference, I am pretty gay, most of my friends are gay(for example, my homo-transexual sado-masochist pal, or my most beloved friend Alex. Wonderful taste in books, and so sweet. I would try to date him, were we not both so very homosexual), and overall identify most with the gay community. I think that I find it irritating especially because it applies specifically to gays.

Update 2:

Oh, I also didn't suggest that it was widespread or the norm. I know it isn't. I said that it happens, it is interesting, irritating, and perplexing to me.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think a lot of them do it because that's how they think that gay men are supposed to act. It's called "reinforcing stereotypes." And those who do it, do it to be obviously Gay, even though it's often unconscious. Those who are just coming to terms with their sexuality tend to copy the exaggeratedly effeminate behavior and speech patterns in order to "fit in."

    It has it's advantages. First, it lets other gay men know who they are. Second, all that silliness makes them seem less threatening to us heteros, while a lot of people view gay men and women who look just like everybody else a threat.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most gay guys definitely do NOT talk like that. Or act like that, for that matter. "Flamers" are in the minority of the homosexual community. They're the loudest, however, and loud people tend to get the most attention. A majority of homosexual men want to fit in just like everyone else.

    I believe a lot of gay guys that talk like that start out doing it just to fit in what they believe is the 'norm' for homosexuals. They desperately need to identify with a group, and the 'flamer' group is the most easily accessible one out there. Obviously, it's a little harder to find the group of guys that are just fitting in with the crowd.

    A much smaller percentage of gay guys with the girlie attitudes and voices are just naturally that way. Anyone who says that homosexuality and high-pitched voices are linked needs to study genetics and thereto believed and accepted reasons for homosexuality.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Whath wong wid dem 'spessin' they feminine thide?

    Well, I am sure not all talk like that. Just like not all Blacks speak "Ebonics," not all gay men speak using "Camp." Maybe some have an inborn tendency to talk like that, and I imagine a lot of it has to do with identity and habit. I'm not Black, but I occasionally find myself speaking like them to some degree, especially when I am around them. Just hang around someone who speaks a certain way long enough, and you might do it too.

  • 1 decade ago

    No clue. I do not know if it is a biological thing.

    Their voice changing could just be a statement, to tell others they are homosexual. But then again, there are straight men that talk like that too.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah, some do but most don't (think what you want, but seeing as how I am one of the ones that don't, I should know). I have no idea why some do and others don't. If it bothers you, maybe you should stop attending all those gay functions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I dont know why so many shirt-lifters talk that way, its strange, and a little irritating, but my real problem is why do so many gays feel the need to have gay pride marches etc? It doesnt help thier cause! You dont see me walking around dressed up shouting "im straight and proud of it". Im like, ok, so youre gay, big deal, you are not the first and you wont be the last, so move on, and stop insulting my eyes with your parades of "men" dressed like peacocks and fairies!

  • 1 decade ago

    because there vocal chords are still tight and smaller than the normal strait man.

    exactly like when your a teen and have an obsession about peing pregant and all of a suddion you grow bigger breats and so on....

    the main reason because their brains tell them that this is how it goes.


    Source(s): ahh me, a long episode of house,
  • 1 decade ago

    well duh, if you don't like what you hear, stay away! Is that not easy enough? I find it more irritating that a snot like yourself would go to a gay event and then talk about the people there!

    Have A Good Day!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    because their little tea pots short and stout !!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    their poo is pushed too far back up from all the buttseks it causes them to talk like that

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