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joeparker67 asked in PetsReptiles · 1 decade ago

most dangerous venomous snake to work with?

i was just wondering what everyone thought the most dangerous venomous snake to work with is..

i say the black mamba, what does everyone else think ?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The most venomous snake in the world is the inland taipan from Australia. However, they rarely ever come into contact with people, and even then, are very reluctant to bite. Deaths from taipans are very rare. As far as the deadliest, the two species which kill more people in the world than any other snakes are the Russell's viper from India and surrounding countries, and the saw scaled viper from Africa. No other snakes come close to these when it comes to human deaths. But the snake I would consider the most dangerous to work with would be the black mamba. They are the fastest snake in the world, and the second longest venomous snake in the world, reaching lengths of 14 feet. Their venom is neurotoxic. The time it takes to die from a bite varies based on amount of venom injected, the individual bitten, and other circumstances. But deaths have been recorded in less than 30 minutes after a bite.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a difficult question to answer, a lot of different factors go into what makes a snake the world's deadliest, amount of venom injected, type of venom (nuerotoxic or hemotoxic), were u were bit at, all of these things go into it. I have been working with snakes for a couple of years and in my professional opinion a couple of snakes come to mind Of course the Black Mamba, but also the Inland Taipan, and Sea Snakes.

    These are just the three that come to mind right off, but in other countries anti-venom is not always in supply, so Russell's vipers kill alot of people. See some snakes that are potent to humans are calm and not prone to strike unless seriously provoked ( This is by no means saying that without proper training u should ever approach any snake). There is a really good documentary by Dr. Brady Barr from the National Geographic Channel that breaks some of this down even farther.

    Source(s): Personal Experience
  • 1 decade ago

    There are many. The Mamba is a good choice though, as they grow big and bite repeatedly with a very nasty venom. I really wouldn't muck around with a King Cobra either. Some tree vipers can come up there own bodies and bite the hand that holds their tale. Still, in Africa the Black Mamba is referred to as "The Black Death" and they fear it like no other animal, so I'm with you. The most poisonous snake by potency per drop is a type of sea snake, but they have small, rear fangs and hardly ever bite people.

  • 1 decade ago

    Going strictly by opinion makes this hard to answer: but the Most Venomous (in no particular order) Taipan aka Fierce Snake, Tiger Snake, Death Adder, and/or King Brown aka Mulga.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The most dangerous and Venomous snake in the world is The Black Mamba. I am a former zoo keeper and that is one snake I would not go ant where near. Some people think it's the coral snake, but it's not. The second runner up is the Spitting Cobra.

  • Zeera
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Also Black Mamba.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Fierce Snake and Brown Snake are the top most venomous snakes. Both are found in Australia (most of the world's most deadliest are found there).

  • Kim K
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The most dangerous snake in the world is the Coral Snake.

    When it bites, if you are not close to antitoxin and/or a hospital, you will be dead within 30 minutes.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    probably cobras,king cobras,mambas,kraits,taipans,brown snakes,black snakes,sea snakes,sea kraits,coral snakes,spitting cobras,rinkhals,rattlesnakes,adders,true vipers,asian pit vipers,boomslang,mangrove snake,bird snake,yamagashi, there's all the most dangerous venomous snakes in the world,despite their aggression and potent venom.

  • 7 years ago

    inland taipan

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