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Got any good (clean) smart alecky bathroom wall sayings?

My employer recently put up a propoganda holder in all the toilet stalls. I've been replacing the factory drivel with witty sayings. Got any I can use? Can't be dirty, offensive, derogetory, etc. This is being done in fun... Some examples I used were "We don't pee in your pool, please don't swim in our toilet" or "Please flush twice, Starbuck's is 2 blocks away". Gimme some ideas to frustrate out 'people development' guy...

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    what about?.......... a sign that reads "we recycle the water" placed strategically above the urinals. OR a sign with an arrow pointing to the urinals that reads " this side toilet, this side fountain."

    OR erm..... "Ring Bell for Server" inside one of the stalls....... OR, put a sign in the mens room that says "This is the ladies room!" and put one in the ladies room that says "This is the mens room!"......

    OR this is bad: "What did the fly on the toilet seat say?.... It's better to be pi*sed off than pi*sed on." (lol my friend told me that joke. it's kinda crude. he saw it on a bathroom wall so i figured i'd offer it......... lol)

    IDK something like that.............

  • 5 years ago

    How approximately: "There could be particularly some issues a warm tub won't treatment, yet i don't understand any". somebody properly-generally used stated that. I forgot who. besides, i think of you may concentration on the 'tub' truly than the 'rest room'. that's greater useful. purely my 2cents!

  • 1 decade ago

    What has more assets than a toilet seat?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    right above the mans $hitter you right "why are you reading when you should be aiming"

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't look here, the joke is in your hand!

  • 1 decade ago

    you potty pooper...

    Waaa Waaaa

  • 1 decade ago

    "here I sit, broken-hearted. Tried to sh*t, but only farted"

  • 1 decade ago

    be neat don't hit the seat...


    Source(s): brb gonna make another one
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