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Lv 31,430 points


Favorite Answers26%
  • What's my next phone?

    I'm a long time BlackBerry user on the Verizon network in the U.S.. I started with the Storm, then went to the Storm II, Torch (best screen ever, and it was plastic!), Z10, Z30, and now the Priv..

    Some of these were real lame, some were good. I think the Z30 is my favorite The Z30 had awesome speakers, antenna, good replaceable battery.

    The Priv is on it's last leg. Most of what I do is web surfing, email/texting and app use. No movies or music.

    I need to stay on Verizon for the coverage where I travel unless the T-mobile/Sprint merger happens.

    I considered the KeyOne but just don't think I can handle the keyboard in my face all the time without making use of it. I consideredthe Moto Z3 but there are a few things I don't like about it so still on the fence there. I do like the Motorola prices.

    What I need: Full touch, good battery life, something that won't cost me an arm and a leg (rules out most Apple stuff), large screen

    What I really want: QI charging, fast charging, replaceable battery, good speakerphone sound, USB C.

    What I'd like to avoid: Glass back (whose stupid idea was that?) because I do tend to be a bit rough. Crappy laggy performance. Anything too heavy, I likde to keep it in my front shirt pocket.

    I'd like to stay with BB, but I see no options there. I hate Google but see Android as my only real option, as I'm priced out of the Apple lineup.

    I don't need the latest, a 1 or even 2 year old model is fine as ling as it is feature packed.

    Ideas anyone?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans2 years ago
  • What kitchen gadget will CUBE vegetables, not just chop, slice, or julienne?

    I want to be able to make cubes of vegetables in different sizes from 1/8"x1/8"x1/8" up to ½"x ½"x½". I can find dozens of machines, manual and electric, that will slice, julienne (cut in two dimensions not three), or randomly chop my veggies but I want nice uniform cubes. Is there such a machine for home use? I work for a large food manufacturer and we have large scale machines that will do hundreds of thousands of pounds per hour but I just want to make salsa, relish, or breakfast potatoes now & then. Even if I have to buy a machine that only does one size rather than several I'd be better off.

    2 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade ago
  • What is the proper/standard method for filing hard copies, newest in front or back?

    Our receiving clerk was fired, now I'm stuck doing her duties until we find a replacement.

    My question is this:

    When filing documents in the proper folder in the cabinet should I put the newest document in the front of the folder or the back of the folder?

    Over the years we've had different clerks do it different ways, insisting theirs was the correct way. None of them have been 'professionals' but rather tossed into the position out of convenience. Is there a standard method? What used to be taught in the old 'Secretarial schools'?

    Thanks in advance,


  • How do I mount wall switches on opposite sides of a partition?

    New home construction.

    I want to mount one switch in the kitchen/dining area to control the kitchen lights (single 14/3 romex into a 15A, 3-way Decora style rocker swiitch), and another switch on the opposite side of the wall, same location, to control switched 20A convenience outlets in the living room (single 20A Romex into a 20A, 3-way Decora style rocker switch).

    The wall is a standard 2X4 framing w/ ½" drywall on both sides, total width 4½".

    Is there a box made specifically for this application, or are shallow boxes made that will fit this need 'back to back'? Prefer nail-on plastic boxes but will go with metal if I need to. Also if wire fill is an issue I could make the LR outlet circuit 15A & use 14/3 on that side too.

    Thanks in advance,


    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Where can I find a TUB ONLY (deck mount / 'roman' style) faucet with an anti-scald valve?

    New home construction, my plumbing inspector is insisting I get a bathtub faucet with built in anti-scald valve before he will pass me.

    I can find tub/shower combo units, and even regular tub spouts (horizontal mount) with anti scald protection but nothing for a deck mount. Have checked all the local stores, even searched online but no one advertises theirs as anti scald.

    Where can I find one? I'm on a tight budget so nothing too fancy is needed. The inspector suggests I go to the local plumbing 'boutique' style shop but holy cow the faucets all start @ 4 bills!

    Again, this needs to be a DECK MOUNT, 'Roman Tub' style. No shower at all.

    Help anyone?

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • I have a shower only that needs a new valve. Can I use a tub/shower valve and just plug the tub spout fitting?

    Single handle control. I can get tub/shower combinations that I like on clearance @ Menards but the shower only ones aren't the style I like. If I plug the bottom outlet it'll work just like if the spout lever was lifted, right? Any reason this won't work?

    2 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Plumbing code question: can I use PVC electrical conduit for a plumbing vent?

    Wait, don't shoot from the hip... I know what material is made for what but here's my proposal.

    I'm building a new house. The DWV system is all schedule 40 PVC (white). I have a charcoal gray metal roof and would rather not have the vent stack sticking out like a sore thumb, so is there any problem with making the last couple feet (from attic, through roof & 12" high from there) the gray electrical PVC conduit? It's about the same color as the roof material. I haven't seen any plumbing PVC in gray around here but the vent coming off my new Amana furnace is gray PVC, unmarked so I don't know what it's rated for.

    I know it's all up th the plumbing inspector but before I look like a fool to him I thought I'd toss it out here.

    Thanks in advance,


    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • What are some good internet capable phones for Alltel, or possibly Verizon?

    Currently I have a Motorola E815 with Alltel. I'd like something with better internet capability. The Iphone would be great but ATT won't serve my ZIP code, and Alltel has been the best provider I've ever dealt with, with Verizon coming in equally as well. I like the features on some blackberries but they look too huge & cumbersome.

    What I use it for is:

    1. Texting

    2. Phone (duh)

    3. Internet (mostly auction sites but other surfing/research too)

    4. Camera

    Couldn't care less about music, don't like anything too small (wimpy) or too big to carry in my front jeans pocket. The E815 would be perfect if the screen were larger & had more memory for the web pages.

    Any advice?

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago
  • Need transportation from St. Louis, MO to Grand Rapids, MI - single package. Where do I find someone?

    I want a charcoal smoker/grill picked up at a Lowe's store in the Saint Louis Missouri area and brought to me in Michigan (Grand Rapids/Holland/Grand Haven area).

    I've advertised on Craigslist 'Rideshare' forum with no luck. I've placed an ad on but the only offer I got there was double what I'm willing to pay.

    Where else can I try to find someone traveling that route that might want to make an extra $100? I'm thinking RV travelers, truckers, etc. What forums do these people frequent that I could try?

    Thanks in advance for all your ideas,


    2 AnswersOther - United States1 decade ago
  • Need transportation from St. Louis, MO to Grand Rapids, MI - single package. Where do I find someone?

    I want a charcoal smoker/grill picked up at a Lowe's store in the Saint Louis Missouri area and brought to me in Michigan (Grand Rapids/Holland/Grand Haven area).

    I've advertised on Craigslist 'Rideshare' forum with no luck. I've placed an ad on but the only offer I got there was double what I'm willing to pay.

    Where else can I try to find someone traveling that route that might want to make an extra $100? I'm thinking RV travelers, truckers, etc. What forums do these people frequent that I could try?

    Thanks in advance for all your ideas,


    5 AnswersSt. Louis1 decade ago
  • how can I disable Flash Player on eBay pages?

    eBay seems to be adding more & more ads to the pages with Flash graphics which stall out my machine for 15 seconds or more whenever I open a new page. Can't scroll down, or even back out of the page. Can I disable Flash somehow, preferably only for eBay pages? I can right click on each one and choose 'low' quality which helps a little but isn't permanent.

    I spend hours each day buying & selling and am so frustrated by this I usually give up early now. Computer is older, 800 Pentium 3 w/Windows XP, 512k RAM (maxed out). Firefox 5.0.

    Thanks in advance for any ideas,


    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Key won't turn in ignition. 1999 Ford Superduty. What can I do?

    It's been giving me a little trouble lately, but jiggling it would usually help. Now I can't get it to turn no matter what I do. I've played with the gear selector & steering wheel, tried 3 different spare keys but no luck. It acts like I have the wrong key but I don't. I tried spraying a little liquid wrench in but nothing.

    What can I try to get it to turn or get the cylinder out before I call a locksmith or have it towed to the dealer? I'm not seeing any holes near the cylinder to stick a pin in to remove it.

    Thanks in advance,


    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Electricians: :200 amp, 8 space meter/main box outside. How many spaces can I have in the sub panel inside?

    New home construction in Michigan, USA. I have a Cutler Hammer meter/main combo mounted at the service entrance with 8 spaces/16 circuits max, and feed through lugs. This will supply the barn, garage, a.c. unit and outdoor outlets.

    I will be installing my 'main' breaker box inside as a sub panel. Couple questions:

    1) How many spaces can I have in the indoor panel? I'd like to go with 40 or 42 but since I have breakers outside already does this limit what's allowed in the sub?

    2) Since I have the main breaker outside I just need a main lug panel inside, but it looks like it'd be cheaper to buy another main breaker 'value pack' rather than special order a 42 space main lug. Any reason I can't/shouldn't leave the 2nd main breaker in place?

    I am doing all the work myself, under the guidance of my friend, a licensed electrician so please don't simply tell me to hire a professional. I am just exploring options before I go to him.

    Thanks in advance,


    9 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • What's my tax liability on an auto injury settlement?

    I was injured quite badly last year in a motorcycle/auto accident and have just received a fairly large settlement from AAA Michigan. Does anyone know if this is considered taxable income, or is it taxable in a different way?

    I'll be paying H&R Block to do my taxes this year due to a few complications in my life, but can anyone give me a heads up on this area? I need to know if I can start paying the bills accrued due to my 'downtime' or should I reserve some for taxes...

    Thanks in advance, Rick

    7 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Where do I go for good French Onion Soup in NKY?

    My girlfriend lives in Florence, where can I take her to experience good french onion soup? She's never had it and all my raving about it has her wanting to try it. We will go into Ohio if we have to, but prefer to stay closer to home

    6 AnswersCincinnati1 decade ago
  • Where do I go for good French Onion Soup in NKY?

    My girlfriend lives in Florence, where can I take her to experience good french onion soup? She's never had it and all my raving about it has her wanting to try it. We will go into Ohio if we have to, but prefer to stay closer to home.

    5 AnswersCincinnati1 decade ago
  • Got any good (clean) smart alecky bathroom wall sayings?

    My employer recently put up a propoganda holder in all the toilet stalls. I've been replacing the factory drivel with witty sayings. Got any I can use? Can't be dirty, offensive, derogetory, etc. This is being done in fun... Some examples I used were "We don't pee in your pool, please don't swim in our toilet" or "Please flush twice, Starbuck's is 2 blocks away". Gimme some ideas to frustrate out 'people development' guy...

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • New construction - How high off floor should water supply lines be run in the wall?

    I've been building my own house & learning as I go.

    Ready to start the supply lines for water (copper) and wonder what is the preferred/customary/required height to run the lines through the stud walls? I'm in a cold winter climate with an unheated crawlspace so I want to get above the subfloor as soon as I leave the pressure tanks and run the ¾" supply line about 25' through the wall to the water conditioner, then on to the water heater & fixtures from there. DWV is all done.

    As long as I'm asking, how'bout wiring (my next project)? Should I assume the wiring for outlets will normally be run at the same height as the boxes when going between wall outlets?

    I've got a few books but none really recommend a height off the floor for either that I can find.

    Thanks in advance, 10 points for the best advice!

    5 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Difference between Homeline & QO panels from Square D?

    I'm building a new house and will put in an outdoor feed through main breaker box w/8 spaces for AC, barn power, generator transfer switch, etc.

    Square D offers a Homeline version (HOM816M200FTRB) or the QO version (QO1816M200FTRB). Is there a major difference between the Homeline & QO lines? I know the breakers fit different but is the QO any better for residential use? Price difference for the panel is $27 from my supplier. What I'd really like is the meter/main combo for aesthetic reasons but what gives with the price... over $100 more for the meter combo and I can get the separate meter socket free from the electric co.!

    I will then install a 30 space sub panel inside for the house branch circuits. Same question, is QO better than Homeline for my application?

    Also, I can actually get a main breaker panel cheaper than a main lug, is there any downside to having the second main breaker at the sub?

    Thanks in advance... 10 points for the best answer - GO

    4 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • Why no commercial vehicle catagory?

    With all the questions being asked about CDL's, trucks, truck driving, buses, etc. why is there no catagory for commercial vehicles? How can we get one added?

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago