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Where can I find a TUB ONLY (deck mount / 'roman' style) faucet with an anti-scald valve?

New home construction, my plumbing inspector is insisting I get a bathtub faucet with built in anti-scald valve before he will pass me.

I can find tub/shower combo units, and even regular tub spouts (horizontal mount) with anti scald protection but nothing for a deck mount. Have checked all the local stores, even searched online but no one advertises theirs as anti scald.

Where can I find one? I'm on a tight budget so nothing too fancy is needed. The inspector suggests I go to the local plumbing 'boutique' style shop but holy cow the faucets all start @ 4 bills!

Again, this needs to be a DECK MOUNT, 'Roman Tub' style. No shower at all.

Help anyone?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are balancing valves available that can be installed in-line with the water supplies below the faucet. You would run the water piping into the balancing valve, then up to the faucet from there. They have to be accessible (somehow or another).

    But if it tub only, you have to wonder how how would scald yourself in the first place.

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