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Where do I go for good French Onion Soup in NKY?

My girlfriend lives in Florence, where can I take her to experience good french onion soup? She's never had it and all my raving about it has her wanting to try it. We will go into Ohio if we have to, but prefer to stay closer to home

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Greenup Cafe in Covington. This is one of Jean Roberts Resturants and it is awesome for lunch. Call first because they don't make French Onion every day.

    Almost any chain resturant will make French Onion soup, but if she has never tried it I would splurge and do the Greenup Cafe! She will be so impressed with your thoughtfulness.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I have a culinary measure and labored at plenty of eating places in Florence. The Grand Cafe within the Airport Hilton (I-seventy five at Turfway Rd) had the first-class french onion soup I've ever had/made. I'm advised the chef has converted considering that I labored there years in the past, but it surely was once made with five unique onions (yellow, crimson, inexperienced, leeks, and shallots) with three unique cheeses (provolone, swiss, and parmesan). Things can have converted over time, however that constantly was once a staple at the menu.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Max & Erma's has good french onion soup! There is one at Crestview Hills Town Center. Believe it or not, Panera Bread actually has pretty good french onion, too, but they put the cheese in the bowl....not melted on top like at Max & Erma's.

  • 1 decade ago

    You can get it at the Claddagh (irish pub) in Newport - it's called Guinness Onion Soup, but it's basically french onion soup, trust me. It's good, though - really nice, your girlfriend will like it!

  • 1 decade ago

    Outbak Steakhouse.

    one in cincn, and one in Ashland.

  • 1 decade ago

    Mine has always been applebees.. they have the best....

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