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Rocco asked in TravelUnited StatesSt. Louis · 1 decade ago

Need transportation from St. Louis, MO to Grand Rapids, MI - single package. Where do I find someone?

I want a charcoal smoker/grill picked up at a Lowe's store in the Saint Louis Missouri area and brought to me in Michigan (Grand Rapids/Holland/Grand Haven area).

I've advertised on Craigslist 'Rideshare' forum with no luck. I've placed an ad on but the only offer I got there was double what I'm willing to pay.

Where else can I try to find someone traveling that route that might want to make an extra $100? I'm thinking RV travelers, truckers, etc. What forums do these people frequent that I could try?

Thanks in advance for all your ideas,


5 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Hi. My name is Monica and I live in St. Louis, MO. I am from Holland and would be willing to help you out with this item. My parents live in Holland, Michigan and I am about due for a visit. I JUST bought a new car (a Honda Element so I have the room to haul it) and I am pretty tight on cash so this could help us both out. Let me know if you are interested in working something out. Email me back at: I can give you my phone number and we can talk.

    Hope this helps you out and you can still get what you need.


  • 1 decade ago

    Why can’t the Lowes ship it to you? I had mine shipped. I went to my local store told them what I wanted and that I saw it on the internet. They found it at one of their stores and had it shipped to them. If I picked it up at the store there was no charge. I could have had it shipped to my house for like $60, which is still less then what you are willing to pay. You know they don’t come fully assembled so they are in a box. Did you look online and see what shipping UPS would cost? You could always contact the store and pay for shipping they get UPS stuff everyday!

    I might try placing in add in the local paper. The Post Dispatch has a website and you can get prices, ask questions and place the add online. I might also place an add in the Riverfront Times smaller free newspaper we have. Many list what is going on the in the area but, hey all kinds of people read it and you could get lucky.

    You might also want to post on this site; it is called the STL Backpages. Kinda like a local Craig’s list:

    Okay this idea is going to take a minute to explain. There is a website that connects fellow travelers with other travelers all over the world and they open their homes to people for free. So get it a free place to stay. Anyway there are groups on there and one of the groups is called the STL Surfers. You might want to check them out and place an email there. Just send an email out to the group and see if anyone might be going your way. Great way to find people that travel! You will have to get an account, but it is free and who knows you might really get into the site. I would also check and see if your city has a group and make a post with them they might be able to help. We get people looking for tickets; places to stay, someone to meet up with you name it so I might try there. Just be nice, we really do not like mean people on the site. J

    Here are few RV Clubs in the area. You might want to contact them and see if they have some way of posting your request:

    Good Luck!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    looks like there is many times something occurring downtown on Washington highway. you additionally can take a seem on the Laclede's touchdown section (for vacationers and out of towners). Downtown Clayton has a pair of fairly cool places/bars (for the gorgeous faces and people who force BMW's) if I keep in mind suitable. The college city Loop has a pair of robust places besides. relies upon on what crowd you like truly. i will admit, that is been 5 years when you consider that i've got been out on New 12 months's in St. Louis, so take my advice with a grain of salt.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should be able to get Lowe's to ship it to you. They are supposed to be able to ship their products.

    I don't know if I would just trust some stranger to go after something I just bought. You might never see your new grill.

    I would suggest contacting your nearest Lowe's and see what they could offer you before you try hiring a person!!~~~

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lowes will ship it for you. dont they have grills/smokers in MI?

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