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Key won't turn in ignition. 1999 Ford Superduty. What can I do?

It's been giving me a little trouble lately, but jiggling it would usually help. Now I can't get it to turn no matter what I do. I've played with the gear selector & steering wheel, tried 3 different spare keys but no luck. It acts like I have the wrong key but I don't. I tried spraying a little liquid wrench in but nothing.

What can I try to get it to turn or get the cylinder out before I call a locksmith or have it towed to the dealer? I'm not seeing any holes near the cylinder to stick a pin in to remove it.

Thanks in advance,


5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you don't have the Ford manual, it's just going to be cheaper for you to to have a locksmith come out and change your tumbler switch. $150 or less (switch included) , be adamant.

  • 1 decade ago

    The problem here is I bet you have to many keys on your key ring. The Ford ignitions are made with very thin brass wafers and with the weight of keys against these wafers they become misshaped and cause exactly the problem you have in addition don't use any type of graphite as this will make the cylinder very sticky also.

    Taking the cylinder out is easy if you can turn it. The problem is if you force it then the driver bar will break off in the column and then you will have to fish it out or worse yet damage the switch bar which means the column will need servicing.

    Remember -- Its always easy until something breaks.

    Call a Real Local Locksmith!!!

    Source(s): I am a real Locksmith and Security dealer
  • 1 decade ago

    Go to the dealer and buy a new ignition key switch. It takes less than 5 minutes to swap out. Like stated above, there is a hole below switch that you have to put a small screwdriver or a paper clip into. When turning the key push up and the cylinder will easily pull out.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think, you got a serious problem, the cylinder is not easily removed, unless you ant do drill it out, which I would not recommend. you will have to remove the complete locking gear, which is usually fixed with headless-srews (which snap of when tightened) whether there is trick for this particular model, I would not know,I would ask a specialist, rhat will come finally cheaper than going about it yourself. the cylinder is worn out and will have to be replaced anyway. I once got one going by gaving a spare key cut a fraction higher than the original,-perhaps worth a try- but it may only work once!

  • mike w
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    the hole is on bottom under cover it needs to be turned on to remove though i drill the tumblers out then turn on and remove not hard to do just use 1/2 bit drill where you put key in

    Source(s): 30 years mechanic
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