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What is the proper/standard method for filing hard copies, newest in front or back?

Our receiving clerk was fired, now I'm stuck doing her duties until we find a replacement.

My question is this:

When filing documents in the proper folder in the cabinet should I put the newest document in the front of the folder or the back of the folder?

Over the years we've had different clerks do it different ways, insisting theirs was the correct way. None of them have been 'professionals' but rather tossed into the position out of convenience. Is there a standard method? What used to be taught in the old 'Secretarial schools'?

Thanks in advance,



P.S., If anyone is in the West Michigan area, is a true PROFESSIONAL with clerical EXPERIENCE and is knowledgable in SAP software email me & I'll tell you who's taking applications. No later than 4/10/2009, please

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    HI...I've been in the administrative field for many years and have filed my share of documents. The best was to file whether hard copy or anything at all is the newest to oldest. The most recent documents are always at the front and the oldest in the back.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Best option will be to select file(s), right click, then cut and paste in the designated folder of the other hard disk, this is under the assumption that you are using a microsoft OS. Dragging and dropping will only make a copy except if the file has a read-only status. Well this is from personal experience.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As a rule, the most recent documents are placed in the front of a file folder.

    The key to a having a successful filing system is being able to quickly retrieve documents.

    If your filing system is as mixed up as you say from too many people misfiling documents; then it would be best to take the time to straighten out the entire file.

  • 1 decade ago

    Generally the newer documents go towards the front of the folder/drawer. But it's really all about preference. As long as there is a uniform filing system so that nobody is stuck digging through the whole drawer, you can do it however you prefer.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    properstandard method filing hard copies newest front

  • 1 decade ago

    When I went to secretarial school, we were taught that the most recent went on top, or at the front, the oldest at the back. I am job hunting, but sadly, I do not live in Michigan. Good luck.

  • 6 years ago

    I've always done newest at the back. Quick and easy to get to......I don't want to say there is a "right and wrong" - it's a personal preference!!

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