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What are some good internet capable phones for Alltel, or possibly Verizon?

Currently I have a Motorola E815 with Alltel. I'd like something with better internet capability. The Iphone would be great but ATT won't serve my ZIP code, and Alltel has been the best provider I've ever dealt with, with Verizon coming in equally as well. I like the features on some blackberries but they look too huge & cumbersome.

What I use it for is:

1. Texting

2. Phone (duh)

3. Internet (mostly auction sites but other surfing/research too)

4. Camera

Couldn't care less about music, don't like anything too small (wimpy) or too big to carry in my front jeans pocket. The E815 would be perfect if the screen were larger & had more memory for the web pages.

Any advice?

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    a blackberry pearl might work for you. but don't carry it in your pocket unless you keep it in the cover. depends on if you want to pay for a data plan with your phone or not. otherwise the voyager would be the best bet at verizon. because of the html browser

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