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how can I disable Flash Player on eBay pages?

eBay seems to be adding more & more ads to the pages with Flash graphics which stall out my machine for 15 seconds or more whenever I open a new page. Can't scroll down, or even back out of the page. Can I disable Flash somehow, preferably only for eBay pages? I can right click on each one and choose 'low' quality which helps a little but isn't permanent.

I spend hours each day buying & selling and am so frustrated by this I usually give up early now. Computer is older, 800 Pentium 3 w/Windows XP, 512k RAM (maxed out). Firefox 5.0.

Thanks in advance for any ideas,


2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Grab and install the adblock plus extension:

    Then restart Firefox. When you first run it (or configure it) it may prompt you to subscribe to a filter list. For starters, pick the Easy List.

    When the plugin is activated it will display a button saying “Block” at the upper right (lower right if there isn’t enough space) corner of every Flash graphic. Clicking this button will block the object.

    Hope it helps.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    i take advantage of Firefox 2.0 to browse the information superhighway and it has an decision that enable's you block flash pictures on information superhighway pages ! you should to objective that ! information superhighway Explorer would not enable you block flash so some distance as i be attentive to until eventually the main present version has an decision. you additionally can attempt courses which incorporate AdBlock or FlashBlock (purely works with Firefox, ok-Meleon and Seamonkey browsers - all Mozilla based browsers) that facilitates you to dam flash on information superhighway pages ! you additionally can attempt undercover agent ware blaster yet i don't think of this is unfastened in spite of the undeniable fact that it does block flash and it relatively works with I.E. !

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