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What kitchen gadget will CUBE vegetables, not just chop, slice, or julienne?

I want to be able to make cubes of vegetables in different sizes from 1/8"x1/8"x1/8" up to ½"x ½"x½". I can find dozens of machines, manual and electric, that will slice, julienne (cut in two dimensions not three), or randomly chop my veggies but I want nice uniform cubes. Is there such a machine for home use? I work for a large food manufacturer and we have large scale machines that will do hundreds of thousands of pounds per hour but I just want to make salsa, relish, or breakfast potatoes now & then. Even if I have to buy a machine that only does one size rather than several I'd be better off.


Oh, and it would be a bonus if it were sharp enough & strong enough to cube meat for hash or pasties!

Update 2:

The first answer by Trucker is on the right track, but $650 is a bit steep. I realize this is for commercial use and is probably worth the money but I'd like to spend a little less, maybe 50 bucks tops... If nothing else I will watch the restaurant auctions for one of the Nemco's though!

2 Answers

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