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What's my next phone?

I'm a long time BlackBerry user on the Verizon network in the U.S.. I started with the Storm, then went to the Storm II, Torch (best screen ever, and it was plastic!), Z10, Z30, and now the Priv..

Some of these were real lame, some were good. I think the Z30 is my favorite The Z30 had awesome speakers, antenna, good replaceable battery.

The Priv is on it's last leg. Most of what I do is web surfing, email/texting and app use. No movies or music.

I need to stay on Verizon for the coverage where I travel unless the T-mobile/Sprint merger happens.

I considered the KeyOne but just don't think I can handle the keyboard in my face all the time without making use of it. I consideredthe Moto Z3 but there are a few things I don't like about it so still on the fence there. I do like the Motorola prices.

What I need: Full touch, good battery life, something that won't cost me an arm and a leg (rules out most Apple stuff), large screen

What I really want: QI charging, fast charging, replaceable battery, good speakerphone sound, USB C.

What I'd like to avoid: Glass back (whose stupid idea was that?) because I do tend to be a bit rough. Crappy laggy performance. Anything too heavy, I likde to keep it in my front shirt pocket.

I'd like to stay with BB, but I see no options there. I hate Google but see Android as my only real option, as I'm priced out of the Apple lineup.

I don't need the latest, a 1 or even 2 year old model is fine as ling as it is feature packed.

Ideas anyone?

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 years ago

    The possible Sprint-T-Mobile merger is an odd marriage because one network uses CDMA and the other uses GSM. This newly merged company would have to push very hard for 5g and 4g in order to get the network part of it to work well. The failed AT&T and T-Mobile merger made more sense because both networks use GSM, and T-Mobile was leasing unused bandwidth from AT&T's towers. Basically the AT&T and T-Mobile merger would have been hassle free while the Sprint/T-Moble merger will take a while to work out. So you might as well lose the idea that this will be a great alternative right away.

    Here's my take because I've tried using LG, Motorola, Apple, and Samsung smartphones.

    The reason Apple and Samsung dominate the market is because their sh1t works, it's reliable, dependable, and their phones don't start falling apart after 10 months. I've had nothing but problems, malfunctions, lags, you name it from the other brands and LG has been the worst offender of all. Yeah, I miss the removable batteries and plastic backs but I use Otterbox cases and screen protectors so I don't have to worry about scratching or breaking these Glass phones. Let me say again that I really loathe the unibody design and not being able to swap the battery whenever I want, but at least the battery life on these new phones is good.

    I'd recommend looking at a cheaper Samsung phone that doesn't have the Unibody design.

  • 2 years ago

    Ask your parents

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