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Where do I go for good French Onion Soup in NKY?

My girlfriend lives in Florence, where can I take her to experience good french onion soup? She's never had it and all my raving about it has her wanting to try it. We will go into Ohio if we have to, but prefer to stay closer to home.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I absolutely HATE to answer a question like this with a chain restaurant. However, have yet to find a better French Onion Soup than they serve up at Fridays, Im sorry to say. That is at least in part because they put a really thick piece of cheese on top. Ill keep thinking to see if I can remember a non-chain alternative where Ive had a decent one (I get F.O.S a lot), because as I said, I'd strongly prefer to steer you in a non-chain route. Ill Edit later if I can think of one.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have a culinary degree and worked at a lot of restaurants in Florence. The Grand Cafe in the Airport Hilton (I-75 at Turfway Rd) had the best french onion soup I've ever had/made. I'm told the chef has changed since I worked there years ago, but it was made with 5 different onions (yellow, red, green, leeks, and shallots) with 3 different cheeses (provolone, swiss, and parmesan). Things may have changed over the years, but that always used to be a staple on the menu.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am gonna have to go with bmw driver on this one. Not to many local places here have good french onion soup.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are considering Ohio -

    Parker's Blue Ash Grill is great.

    4200 Cooper Road | Cincinnati, Ohio | 513-891-8300

  • 1 decade ago

    DeSha's in Maysville, KY is awesome!! Their french onion soup is perhaps my all-time fav...Lots of gooey cheese and the flavor is fabulous!!

    Their address is below as is the phone number:

    1166 US Highway 68

    Maysville, KY 41056

    (606) 564-9275

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