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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

hard core christians, do you ever feel like you're fighting a losing battle here?

you get so many thumbs down when you answer with bible quotes, put a capital T on the word truth, or say yours is the only way to salvation.

does it ever make you wonder that maybe the masses are right, that maybe your way isn't the ONLY way, that maybe you HAVE been brainwashed into some cult?

or does this just strengthen your faith in the lord because you've been taught that satan will try to steer you away from god and you feel like you're actually battling satan?

either way, does it bum you out when you get so many thumbs down for your beliefs?

39 Answers

  • kaz716
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sometimes it may seem like a losing battle. But actually Jesus was victorious over the grave. And Satan has already been defeated. So we are just here to spread the good news of Jesus' message to everyone around, hoping they will understand and believe (or defending our beliefs when someone disrespects God or Christianity). Living for God is what strengthens me.

    Romans 8:31 -- What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

    And I believe in God because I choose to. I haven't been brainwashed, forced, coerced, or "scared into" believing in Him just to avoid Hell. I have seen a former Atheist here on R&S who is now a Christian. For someone to be converted to Jesus, they have to voluntarily believe. Forcing/brainwashing, etc, invalidates faith and is useless.

    I know Satan is always there trying to tempt me. But I don't look at the thumbs down as coming from Satan. I see them for what they are -- people who disagree with my beliefs. The thumbs down don't discourage me, but instead it saddens me that these people don't know Jesus. I feel like I have this great blessing to share with people, but they're not interested. So I guess in that respect it bums me out. (Does that make sense?)

    Anyway, very good question. Thanks for being respectful in asking it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Matthew 7:13 says that "go in through the narrow gate, because broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction. and many are the ones who go in through it.

    Whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life and few are the ones finding it.

    So if the majority of people believe a certain way then it must be false. So most religions is false.

    Didn't your mother ever tell you the best place to hide a leaf is in a forest? Satan does hide the true religon in among all the false ones Satan has set up to confuse people.

    Do you honestly believe that there was no religion before the flood of Noah's day? Yet, only Noah and his family were saved.

    What religion is like the religion before Noah's day?

    Genesis 6:13 God said to Noah: "The end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behond, I will destroy them together with the earth."

    He didn't destroy the earthly globe, but he did destroy the wicked people. Why? Because they were violent.

    So if a religion is violent that would be from Satan.

    Genesis 18:20 Sodom and Gamorrah it says in Jude 6 went after fornication excessively. So between the immoral conduct of homosexuality and multiple wives and sex without marriage any religion that turned a blind eye to that would not be saved. There is definitely a right way and a wrong way.

    1 Timothy 3:2 says a spiritual man should have one wife.

    1 Timothy 4:2 says to stay away from those forbidding a man to marry. What religion would do that would not be in God's favor. Not to worship idols, do you worship somthing other than God? Such as some country or nation above another. What comes first in your life your country or your God? Not that we do not have respect for our country we should but not worship.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not at all.

    If Nero, with all the might of his Roman Empire, could not stamp out Christianity do you think a few thumbs down will do? No way.

    I agree the times have changed and the Bible is being attacked from all sides, including the evolution and big bang theories but so has our understanding of the Bible increased and those who know and understand what the Bible is about will not cower. Nothing can shake them. In fact most of them don't even bother to answer questions such as these, the reason why you don't see many thumbs-up for answers by Christians. Talk about insecurity!

  • I don't know if I'm what a person would consider a "hard-core" Christian (atheists may say yes, but some of my MORE "hard-core" fellow Christians might say no), but no, it doesn't bother me.

    What bothers ME is all the ignorance, from all sides, and how many people have fallen for absolute LIES. I'm not talking about people who follow other beliefs, either. I'm talking about how people on here like to repeat things and repeat things that have been disproven, either by history or by science.

    What bothers ME is all the hypocrisy. Some atheists attack Christians for quoting the Bible, and then they ask a question in which they directly quote Dawkins, or Harris, or or, and they don't even give them credit! And they get down on Christians for not being able to think for ourselves? Give me a BREAK!

    What bothers me is all the rudeness. It's completely unnecessary, yet some people on this site (atheists, Christians, Wiccans, yes even Wiccans, Muslims and EVERY other belief/nonbelief system) seem to think they have a God-given right (ha ha) to be rude to everyone who doesn't think exactly like them. But then they turn around and judge everyone else for doing the same thing! Um...HELLO?

    The only battle being lost here is the battle against the rudeness, the ignorance, the stupidity, and the hypocrisy. And I think those of us (from EVERY belief/nonbelief system) who try VERY hard not to engage in those things are the ones losing. That's why I'm not on here very much anymore. It's a waste of time to answer most of the people on here.

    And by the way, I have all the respect in the world for you, Riegan, but that "brainwashed" remark was totally uncalled for.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope...let's break it down into three questions:

    1) I see it, I've studied a lot of apologetics that strengthen my reasoning for believing what I believe. the astronomical odds, the veracity and authenticity of what I'm reading...and so on.

    2) More than one way - well, whether I was Christian or not, I can't see ALL religions being correct, since there are so many contradictions (no god - only nirvana, 300 million gods, one god)

    3) bums me out? Nope...was a paratrooper...remember going to the museaum for Airborne, studying airborne has been used...I would liken my fighting the spiritual battle to what the old paratroopers went through during D-Day...first in...cut off from support...surrounded and outnumbered...

    but did they give up?

    Nope...because they knew what was armada so big, there was no way the enemy could hold out.

    and that's how I feel...I'm in the battle, surrounded and outnumbered...but I've read the final chapters of the one book that's not only recorded history, but every prophetic utterance has come to pass

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No my dear, I have read the last page of the last chapter of the last book, we win.

    if you are a non-believer, it would be impossible for you to understand, but look at it kinda like this. If you were going on a long, long trip, and you had a map, Now this trip would take years, and years, and the map would tell you to go in this direction for so long, and along the way you would come to a landmark, then after a while you would come to another marker. Now these markers you are told will be far apart.

    You see that is the way it is in this world today. What you see as "just is" we see as markers in our journey. Example are like this. You see a mid-east conflict. We see Isa. and Ezk. and Rev. coming to pass, when the Bible tells us, in the last days all the world will come against Jerusalem. When atheist and non-believers say that Christianity is being replaced with logic, we read the writing of Paul who said, in the last days there will be a great falling away. Jesus Taught that in the last days there would be signs in the sky, great famines, Earthquakes, and you would not be able to tell the seasons apart. You call it global warming. so No, I don't get discouraged, I get enthused. I don't look down, I have started looking up.

  • 1 decade ago

    Count it joy to be persecuted for the Lord. I do get frustrated at times, but; it also makes me realize how much work we have to do. Jesus instructed us to teach people about him. He did not say it would be easy. We have a responsibility to share the gospel even if it falls upon deaf ears. They may give us a thumbs down, but I can see Jesus sitting at the right hand of the father with a big grin and a thumbs up. His redemption draweth nigh, so let's keep sharing in hopes that we win at least one soul on the site!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would be lying if I answered "no" to your first question. There are times when I become very discouraged, because I feel like we're the only ones who see the truck speeding toward an unbelieving crowd of people; the fact that they disbelieve a truck is coming and disregard our warnings doesn't negate the fact that it will kill them. But when I am discouraged, I am strengthened time and time again by God and my Christian brothers and sisters. That's how it's supposed to work.

    As I suggested above, I do not view the rejection of our message as proof that we are wrong. It is only proof that you don't want to hear what we have to say.

    One final word to atheists: if you had any idea how many times the truly sincere Christians who post here have gone to God in earnest prayer on your behalf, you would be humbled, even if you still chose not to believe. We love you, despite what you think.

  • Bobbie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Its not my battle and all I care to change here is the fact that my Lord has a bad reputation and some here just make it worse. You guys already have rejected Him so what is the point for me to throw Him in your face Like that. I don't throw a bunch of Bible verses. Only when its necessary.

    When is it necessary?? When You ask. Or explaining a thought we are in R&S.

    Your going to go your own way anyways but When God questions come up -expect God Answers.

    It doesn't make a difference what I look like to you but What What I look like to God. So All I can do is tell you all why I chose His way and hope the best for you.

    Source(s): Shalom to you ALL!!
  • 1 decade ago

    Lighten up!!! This is just a place for q&a. Real matters are decided in the heart. Just because a lot of people disagree with what I know to be right, certainly doesnt make me feel as if I'm fighting a losing battle. The amazing thing about truth is, once you know it, you can't be persuaded otherwise. Wouldn't you agree?

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