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**KELLEY** asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Please help, my Cocker Spaniel gave birth 2 days ago and now....?

She is shaking, ocassionally crying, following me around the house, seems agitated, keeps scratching the floor and blankets and is panting really hard....I have called the vet and they are closed, they had me call the emergency vet. The emergency vey will not see her unless we can pay upfront and we are in a pretty bad place financially right now. Does anyone know what could be wrong with her? Please do not answer if you are just going to blast me about her not being fixed or us not having a lot of money, I am just looking for advice from experienced people.

Thank you


The emergency vet is going to take the initial exam payment and hopefully they will work out the rest....Thank you so much for all of your help and taking the time to answer. I will post an update when I know what is wrong...Hopefully it isn't serious!

Update 2:

We have returned from the Emergency vet and they feel it is a calcium deficiency. We need to give her 2 tums each day and also suppliment the puppies with puppy formula until she is seen by our regular vet on Monday. No retained pups were found...that is good!

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Aw sweetie.. Your baby is in distress. You do need to get her to the dr as soon as you can. Some emergency vets have what is called Care Credit so ask about that.

    She may still have a pup in the birth canal or may be suffering from eclampsia. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then, as soon as possible, do get to a veterinary.

    What you can do now is keep her warm. Chicken or beef broth lukewarm if she'll take it. I don't like the high sodium content but she needs the fluids. Egg yolk raw, not the white will give her a little bit of protein.

    The best of luck to you.

    Source(s): I'm a retired veterinary technician. Over 15 yrs experience.
  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with the others who have said a pup is stuck. It's no doubt dead and she will be soon too if she does not get help.

    Ask the vet to work out a payment plan for you. If he won;t do that try this number in the US CareCredit 1-800-365-8295 You can do this now and be approved in minutes. If you are in Canada use this number: 1-866-453-9961.

    If none of these are options take the dam and her pups to the nearest no kill shelter and surrender them. Without the mother you are going to be bottle feeding the pups every 2 hours day and night for the next 2 weeks. Then it will be every 3-4 hours day and night for the next couple of weeks until they can start to wean. If money is that tight you won;t be able to take off the 4 weeks needed to save their lives too.

    Please I'm begging you get her help one way or another.

    Praying for the little momma.

    Edit: My prayers were answered and she's going to be okay. Thank you for doing the right thing. I'm so glad you love her enough to put her before anything else. I will be looking forward to your update and continue my prayers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Her apply for Care Credit right now!

    1-800-365-8295. They will tell you in minutes if your approved for emergency funds to have your girl seen by the vets. she is in trouble and needs vet care.

    A retained pup or a retained placents will make her go toxic and die! Then you will have to raise the pups on your own and thats not a easy things to do at all.

    Call them now!

    ADD: Never give a nursing dam asprin. If she is sick with a retained pup or placentas Asprin will only make matters much worse!

    Please if you dont know what your talking about just dont answer the question. Your doing more harm than good!

    Source(s): Former Golden breeder and owner for over 20 years
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    maybe she has a still born still inside her my friends dog gave birth and they had to take out the still born at the vet. You do not have any free animal clinics by you? that only charge based on what you make or what you can afford? Also maybe something is wrong with one of her babies and she is trying to get your attention dont know would need more info best to go to the vet thou cant be closed forever huh

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am experienced and I am telling you that you better suck it up and bring her to that emergency vet asap or you may not have your dog too much longer. You owe this to her!!

    My best guess at this point is that she has a puppy "stuck" in her canal, however, it is impossible to tell without an exam. I can promise you one thing, if there is a puppy stuck, your cocker will die if you do not act fast! You NEED to get her to the vet NOW!


    Source(s): Veterinarian/Surgical Technician
  • 1 decade ago

    You need to take her to the vet ASAP. Just like the first two answers said...she may have a puppy still inside that she can't pass...if she cant get it out and you don't take her to the vet...its certain death.

  • 1 decade ago

    Is it just the one vet you've tried maybe you should try a different one, I'm sure one of them would come out for you, that's terrible that they want the money upfront.

    My vet will take the money after, I'm Croydon though.

    I love Cockers there my fav, good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    this dog is in distress; call the Humane society immediately and tell them your problem; ask if they have a vet who will help and let you pay in installments

    your dog may have an unborn pup in the birth canal and it could have remaining placenta ... is this the first birth

    is she pushing the pups away and not able to nurse

    please get someone to help you ... call every vet hospital in town until someone helps you. they should be willing to help out after all their business is savings animals not making a fortune.

    good luck to you and i am praying for your little dog

  • 1 decade ago

    you really do need to take her to vet it can be several different things .and with this you cant bee sure till she is seen. she could still have something inside or worse .most vet e.r. will let you pay some now and set up payments for her

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Glad to hear you are going to get her to the vet. I am supporting the retained puppy or retained placenta theory. I hope it all works out. I see you really know in your heart she shouldn't have been bred. Please commit to getting her spayed when the litter is placed.

    Source(s): Rescuer, vet tech, professional groomer, and show exhibitor of Shetland Sheepdogs for 20 years
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