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harley w asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

worried about my Yorkie's?

Our daughter is moving from out of state into our home temporally until she can get a job and get her own place. My issue is she has a pit bull that shes loves and said he is a big baby I am so scared that he will hurt my babies. What is the best way to introduce them to each other and handle this problem with out any issues?? any advise would be greatly appriciated my male yorkie thinks he can whip a Great Dane and her pit bull is a male also.I can't sleep at night worried about this please help me she will be here in 1 week


my male is 1 1/2 years old not neutered

my female is 9 mos old

And the pit bull is not neutered

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Oh s**t! Sorry mum, but you're going to have to take a tough line on this and i think you know that really but just need a little back up from us here! That yorkie is your baby and if anything happened to it while your daughters pit was there, how would you feel about your daughter then? The pit WILL kill your baby, no doubt about it. It will come into your house and want to dominate, thats their nature, and it WILL kill any animal smaller than itself in order to be the dominant male and that includes your yorkie! You're going to have to tell your daughter, and very soon, that she's welcome in your home anytime, but that her dog is not! Its your home and you have the right to say who or what comes into it. If she gets the hump and doesn't come to stay then so be it, she'll get over it but you'd never, ever get over seeing your baby's body ripped to bits in your sitting room! She may say she'd keep it locked in her room but it will know theres another male dog in the house and will rip the door off its hinges to get to it. We've had a case, recently in our papers here in the UK regarding a pit bull that was once allowed to play indoors with its owner ( a drug dealer! ) but when it kept looking funnily at the owners grand-daughter, it was kept outside. On New Years Eve someone let off a firework and scared the dog and so the owner let it in. The grand-daughter was in the house because she was staying with her nanny and as soon as it saw the child ( she was three yrs old! ) it leapt on her and ripped her apart!!! The pit went straight for her neck and by the time the police got there, that baby was unrecognisable from anything human! The police had to shoot the dog because it was in a killing frenzy but it would have been destroyed anyway. What i'm saying is this, how would you feel, how would your daughter feel, if it happened in your house, to your baby? That dog would attack YOU if you so much as argued and gestured towards your daughter, they are one person dogs and will kill to protect their owner. It may be a big baby to her, probably is, but to you and everyone else, its a dog that can and will attack. Don't have it there with you, let her kennel the dog until she has her own place, its safer and will give you peace of mind.

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay, the best thing that I could advise you to do is to keep them seperate at all times. She is only staying until she can get on her feet, well, have her lock her dog up everytime she leaves and do not let them come into contact. If her pit is young like 6 months and younger you wont have a problem. Is he isnt, then keep them apart.

    Are either of the males fixed? How old is her pitbull? I have two pits myself. My male is younger (1) and does not show dog agression at this point, unless it is envoked. My mothers male boxer (not fixed) and my male pit (fixed) stay together in the backyard sometimes. They have gotten into breif fights, but for the most part my male is still submissive to the older boxer. My female is about 2 just started to show dog agression after she came out of this last heat. The best way to introduce them would be through a fence, or something that can block the two. Do not introduce them on leashes, dogs can almost sense the tension that you put off down the leash. If you have a chain link that would be good. Have her male on one side and your dogs on the other. I don't think that you will have a problem with the female, unless she is a nippy girl. Pit bulls do not like to be challanged and will end it whether they start it or not. If her dog is younger then it will be more adapt to get along with them. If it is older, then there might be some problems. Never leave them alone together also. Even if you think they get along good, it isnt worth the risk. A lot of little dogs think that they are the size of mastiffs. If they start something...well that wouldnt be good. Hope this helps!

    Source(s): Pround bully owner!
  • 1 decade ago

    Meet her at a neutral place like a pet store parking lot with no other dogs around. Great you daughter before you even look at her dog and tell her to do the same. Do not get excited even about seeing your kid or the dogs will get excited too. Just remain calm and cool. Keep an eye on your dogs. Don't let them even think about getting excited. As soon as one gets in that pre state gently tug the leash. He should snap out of it. If you know your dogs you should be able to get through this easily. If any troubles arise than they will need to be separated in your house. buy a baby gate if you need to. this is a pain but its also a reality sometimes. If you find that she is going to be there for a while than call a trainer. get him to come to the house and teach you how to control the situation. But don't think of him as a pit bull. he is simply a dog. breed comes second. I am a human then I am an american type thing. Good luck!

  • Kris L
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Tell your daughter that she MUST keep her pit bull in her room AT ALL TIMES or on a leash ... and keep your Yorkie AWAY from the pit bull. There is NO WAY they are going to 'become friends' and your Yorkie is BOUND TO LOSE in any 'fight' with the pit bull. Yes, pit bulls can be 'big babies' UNTIL they feel 'threatened' by another dog of whatever size. Sorry, but that is just the way things are.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My brother, Jonathan, has a pit bull and he gets along fine with my Yorkshire Terrier. We were both a little nervous at first not knowing if if the tips we read on and the ideas we received at Petsmart was going to work.

    But so far...everything has been great! They both behaves like little children. My Yorkshire is female and his pit bull is male.

    However, my BIG TIP to you is to ask Petsmart, your local vet and read as much as you can before you introduce them to each other.

    Good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I would keep either the bully in a crate when the yorkies are out in the house and viseversa. I wouldn't take a chance with a large dog that you don't know very well. I would not assume it will work out ok. You might also find a trainer to come to the house to give you one on one advice.

    It is your house and your yorkies house after all Mom. Your daughter will need to respect your wishes. If you're frightened that in itself will put all the dogs on red alert.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't introduce on ur property or in the house because that ur dogs territory. Take for a walk and introduce them that way. If they are getting along then bring onto the property. And if still all going well then into the house but watch carefully and don't leave alone together sperate them.

  • Growing up we had yorkies...and ours was a male and the same way...thought he ruled the roost! We had collies also.

    our next door neighbor had rotweilers and our yorkie talked big dog talk with that fence between

    Introduce them they will probably be fine. The fact that her dog is a male is better. Females tend to be the ones who try and dominate.

    If her dog is still a puppy you may still need to watch out, he may be playing with them and hurt them not meaning to....not realizing his own strength and that he is bigger...

  • bjsuno
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    In my opinion, it won't work. We have a jack russel, and he thinks he is a great dane. He will jump any male. He can be vicious. IF BOTH MALES ARE NOT NEUTERED, THERE WILL BE A BIG PROBLEM. Pit bulls are not mean by nature, but there could be a dominance issue. Please take care.

  • Buddie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    To avoid any problems, have your daughter purchase a muzzle for the dog so that you aren't sorry!

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