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Should we fund a place for junkies to shoot-up illegal drugs with medical staff/no arrest? San Fran,CA DUH??!?

San Francisco Considers Injection Room I don't think my fed/state tax dollars should fund this "s/crap" they say saves lives, do these junkies have a life?(crime) but to suck the life out of the system financially(welfare/ssi/sdi), medically(ER/medi-cal/medicare/VA)mental ward City health officials took steps Thursday toward opening the nation's first legal safe-injection room, where addicts could shoot up heroin, cocaine and other drugs under the supervision of nurses. The site, exempt from federal drug laws (possesion??) so users can visit without fear of arrest, has 12 private booths where addicts inject drugs such as heroin, cocaine or crystal. They can use equipment and techniques provided(??)by the staff, and then relax with a cup of coffee or get medical attention in the "chill out" room where they are observed

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honestly now?? have compasion???, you ever see a pothead leave his couch except for munchies?? yet every day a meth, coke or herion junkie steals, robs, or kills someone only so they can get their fix. how many times will their be a murder for 20 bucks, then that day someone needs to go to the clinic to shoot up?? they don't provide the drugs at this clinic, so there will be wide spread drug sales just down the street from this "clinic", and nobody gets clean from the monkey on there back.

I ask this have you ever lived in the same house as a herion addict, a coke head, a meth monster???? these people are a meaning of wasteoid. I agree with the pot smoking bars of overseas, but to help a wasteiod with his fix, give me a break.

Update 2:

arrest them put them in jail for 2 to 5 there they can get clean, and get help, because outside they don't want help, or have denial of being an addict.

Update 3:

the one thing to notice from the article is this: it is not a treatment(recovery) facility, it is just a place for them to shoot up indoors and leave after they stablize, there are programs for them but they have to want that help.

Update 4:

it sure is funny they and most associate junkies with homelessness. I lived on the streets of San Jose/San Francisco for 7 yrs( while in the CA ARMY National Guard) and I didn't become a junkie, and now I make 40,000 a year building freeways, I just feel that the issue missed by all who have answered so far is IT IS NOT A TREATMENT CLINIC, it is an administering the drug safe haven.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Get some compassion. If it were legal, junkies would be normal, functioning members of society like all those surgeons addicted to pharmeceutical heroin. Like most alkies. Like caffeine addicts (gotcha on that one!). Like nicotine addicts.

  • 1 decade ago

    it should never have come to this but it has and to deal with it properly is to help . injecting rooms is really not helping the addicts ,they need intensive help, is it right to say that because they are addicted that they do not deserve help. some people really can,t cope with the pressures of life, and choose ways to avoid with the issuse that they can,t deal with .not allowing these people to use in uncontrolled situations is allowing and givng the impression that they just don't matter, could it be that we, by taking a anti-drug stance are confirming that there lives are worthless and is that helping anyone , if only one person decides that they need help to get off the drugs isn,t that worth alot remember each person is speacial everyone , drug addicts ,homeless , coloured old , to improve a persons life for the better can only be good and helpful there are just not enough helpful people in the world now! try to be one ,you may be blessed in ways you just don,t know

  • 1 decade ago

    My first gut reaction is also to say "Are you kidding me?!?!?"

    However, having worked in the system, I have to admit that the current methods of dealing with this societal problem simply does not work.

    My motivation is less out of sympathy for these junkies, but recognition of what is and is not effective.

    Throwing these people in jail, and otherwise ignoring thier issues end ups costing a heck of alot more in the long run. The addictions get worse, leading to more crimes to feed the need. Their health deteriorates to a point that public medical services are obligatged to take care of them (i.e. our tax dollars).

    Perhaps, providing a place where these people can go and not fear persecution, but maybe receive help, would in the long run cost us all alot less. Maybe we can get less crowding in jails, therefor not having to release the really bad criminals early. Maybe we can stop spinning our wheels in an expesive revolving door system that doesn't accomplish anything.

    I hate to admit it, but at this point I'll be willing to give just about anything a try.

    Source(s): Worked in the jail system with junkies for 5 years
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think they should all be put on an island, then they would

    understand that if everybody did drugs, this is what society

    would be like! Addicts use society as their crutch! They

    feel that they in some way are entitled to escape from

    everyday situations when they get fed up!

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  • mw
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You know..........Maybe there they can get the help they need

    To get off the stuff too.

    Also it's better there than all over the streets and alleys for

    children to see.Pick up or step on needles,get poked etc.

    Pray for them

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