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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

If you were elected President of the USA in 2008, what would your first official act in office be?

I expect troll answers, but it would be nice to see what the real world would like to see done...

25 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nationalize the Energy industry in the US, all subsidies now going to Big Oil to expand refinery capacity are cancelled. They have gone on record saying they have no plans of ever expanding the capacity of existing refineries or of building new ones. That money and 50% f all gasoline taxes will be spent on R&D into improvements solar power generation, as well as storage and efficient transportation fo that power.

    Nationalize the Healthcare Industry in the US. The health of US citizens should not be ignored or minimized in favor of profit. Private Health insurance would be obsolete, unless you want plastic elective surgery. Doctors wont leave the US because of this, we are the last industrialized nation in the world to offer its citizens National Healthcare, where would they go?

    Pass legislation which makes it illegal for drug companies to receive patents on "treatments" or drugs which only relieve symptoms of a condition or illness, patents could only be given to CURES.

    Any public figure who got his job talking about how moral and religious he or she is, will now be expected to practice what they preach. After spednign their career villifying others for adultery (for example) and are then found to be in an adulterous affair themselves, they are fired at once, must return all salaries, bonuses, etc of all public monies paid them and are forever enjoined from running for public office again. I'm stil thinking about whether or not to let them speak in public ever again.

    Campaign finance is history. Lobbyists, PACs, soft money donations, all illegal as of now. If you wish to donate to the political process, it will be divided evenly between all candidates from each party. Now politicians will have to win because they have solutions to our problems, not because they have more corporate funds behind them.

    The line item veto is back and it is bi-partisan. You cut a $1 million dollar Democratic earmark from the budget, a $1 million dollar Republican one has to come off as well.

    A manned mission to Mars? To what purpose? I propose NASA come up with viable plans for beginning colonization of our satellite, Luna. For the money we have alreayd BORROWED from China since Bush took over, we could have fields of solar collectors generating clean electricity from pure sunlight (and beaming that energy back to Earth), which will never be in the dark or under cloud cover. We could be setting up retirement homes on the Moon (how much longer would Grandma live when her heart only has to pump blood at 1/6th the force and her hips only taking 1/6th the weight they took on Earth? And talk about a new tourist haven for the Ultra Wealthy!

    But that's not going to take care of everything we need to do to become energy independent again. Nuclear power plants are again allowed to be built, with one proviso:

    Build them completely underground. In the event of an "accident", the spread of radiation will be greatly if not completely contained, just as underground H Bomb tests in the deserts of Nevada in the 1950s stopped the spread of fallout to the rest of the globe.

  • hmm
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    First I have to say that the president doesn't have the kind of power that most people think he does.

    if I were president and had the kind of power that we sometimes mistakenly think he does, the first thing I would do is secure our borders, then I would abolish the ACLU as all they do is steer things up,

    else they wouldn't have jobs. the next thing I would do is get rid of the hate crimes act, because everyone committing hateful acts against another should suffer the same type punishments,things such as, skin color, sexual orientation, etc... shouldn't be what we base punishment on. then I would try to make it mandatory that all schools teach the students how the United States Government works as apparently the schools are failing in this area because to many citizens of the United States think that it is the job of the Federal government to take care of the individual states. It is the job of each state to care for its self and if it can not, the people of that state have the power to vote in a state government that can/will.

    *after reading LeAnnes answer I would have to say that she is right that would have to be first

    along with the border fence

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Obama and Biden are the President and vice chairman % till they're sworn in. they're the people the voters elected. If something have been to ensue to Obama, Biden could, certainly, take over as President and the perfect strikes could ensue from the cabinet and Senate management from there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First thing I would do, would be by executive order. To 100% clean electric power. I took this to our gov. Funny thing is noone knows who would do this. They don't and you're told to go to this office. When you get there they don't do that. You need to go this office . When you get there they don't do that.

    I found out after spending $50,000 for my DC trips that nobody there knows what to do. They don't do it and don't know who does nor can they find out who does.

    Bill Clinton, Al Gore, Newt Gingrich, Bob Barr, Sam Nunn, Coverdale, G W Bush, Dick Cheeny, and so many many more. Nobody knows squat, just they don't do that, and they can't find out who does.

    What Can Be Patented

    “ The patent law specifies the general field of subject matter that can be patented and the conditions under which a patent may be obtained.

    In the language of the statute, any person who “invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent,” subject to the conditions and requirements of the law. The word process is defined by as a process, act or method, and primarily includes industrial or technical processes. The term machine used in the statute needs no explanation. The term manufacture refers to articles that are made, and includes all manufactured articles. The term “composition of matter” relates to chemical compounds. These classes of subject matter taken together include practically everything that is made by man and the process for making the products.

    The Atomic Energy Act of 1954 excludes the patenting of inventions useful solely in the utilization of special nuclear material or atomic energy in an atomic weapon 42 U.S.C.2181(a).

    The patent law specifies that the subject matter must be “useful”. The term “useful” in this connection refers to the condition that the subject matter has a useful purpose and also includes operativeness, that is, a machine which will not operate to perform the intended purpose would not be called useful, and therefore would not be granted a patent.

    Interpretations of the statute by the courts has defined the limits of the field of subject matter that can be patented, thus it has been held that the laws of nature, physical phenomena, and abstract Interpretations of the statute by the courts has defined the limits of the field of subject matter that can be patented, thus it has been held that the laws of nature, physical phenomena, and abstract ideas are not patentable subject matter.

    A patent cannot be obtained upon a mere idea or suggestion. The patent is granted upon the new machine, manufacture, etc, as has been said, and not upon the idea or suggestion of a new machine. A complete description of the actual machine or subject matter for which a patent is sought is required.

    Source(s): and enter #5,430,333
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  • LeAnne
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Here come the thumbs down.

    I would turn the war in Iraq over to the generals in the field and on the front lines and kick about 90% of the damned reporters out. I would increase troop numbers to a level which would demoralize and defeat the radical, Islamic militants completely. This would create much more encouragement and support from the Iraqi people who truly want a democratic and independent country free of terror, fear and rampant death from the terrorists who seem hell bent on blood lust, hatred and domination.

    This would be my priority and first official act - only when America is safe and secure from outside terror can we consider solutions to our domestic concerns.

  • 1 decade ago

    Rent out the Lincoln bedroom for $15,000 a night. OK, if I can throw in Polosi, I'll drop it to $55 a night but that includes breakfast for you and the dog and I'll even throw in all the penicillin you can carry.

  • Bishop
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Hold a national vote in iraq to prove once and for all whether the iraqi citizens want us to leave or to stay, then if we leave and the country implodes it was their choice and if they want us to stay then it is their choice and everyone can stop complaining about it.

    Second thing would be to stop all immigration reform nonsense and simply ENFORCE the laws we already have.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Eliminate the IRS and establish a flat tax.

    Bar all lobbiests from bribing Congress and the Senate

    Make certain my will was current

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell the world "take heart we're back,to right the wrongs of George Bush and at long last address the agenda that 9/11 put on the table without squandering the goodwill that the world afforded us in our darkest hour."If only.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. End The War

    2. Fire all Republican U.S. Attorneys

    3. Get rid of the Patriot Act

    4. Get Universal Health Care passed

    5. Get rid of Bush's "No Child Left Behind" Act, and replace it with something that has substance.

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