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the big lie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

All of your life, you've been lied to.

You've been told what life is supposed to be about. Grow up, do well in school, make

friends, get a girlfriend or boyfriend, get a good job, get married, get a nice house and

have kids. Watch tv, go to church, vote, find some hobbies to entertain you. Donate

money to charity. Go on vacation. Get old, retire, spend time with the grandkids. Look

back on your life with nostalgia, look forward to the afterlife of your choosing.

This is what you're supposed to do, this is what normal people do. This is what everyone

else is doing. Oh sure, there are a few aberrations here and there, sometimes some

people slip off this track, but you can get back on at any time.

Of course, when you actually look at the world around you, you may see something

entirely different.

See that young married couple living next door, with the wife gardening in the front yard

while the kids play out back? She's snowed under with Xanax all the time, without which

she'd be in a continuous state of anxiety. And her 6 year old son, he's following in mom's

footsteps already, taking his daily dose of Ritalin to keep him tranquil enough to sit still all

day at school.

She stopped sleeping with her husband several years ago, but that's ok, cause he

sneaks off a couple times a week and has sex with street prostitutes in the back seat of

his car, or a nearby motel. He feels a bit bad for them, and tips them extra.

His favorite prostitute is always glad to see him, because he's pleasant enough and an

easy $75. Too bad they can't all be like him. She gets beaten up and raped by johns

multiple times a year, but that's ok, she can handle it, cause even at its worst this job is

still better than what she went through as a child. Besides, there's no other way she could

support her crack cocaine habit.

And the cop who tries to arrest her, last night he arrested the neighborhood marijuana

dealer, then went home and got nice and legally drunk on jack daniels.

And the cop's daughter, the pretty high school cheerleader, sneaks off and vomits after

every meal so she won't get fat.

But these are all small scale problems. Don't forget that, several times a century, often

enough to happen at least once during the average human lifetime, all the most powerful

nations of the world divide up into sides and begin slaughtering anyone they can find on

the opposing side by the millions. This is agreed by all to be unfortunate but necessary.

And the city you live in, if you're in a western country and living in a city, has already been

targetted by some country's nuclear weaponry. A few pushes of the right buttons, and

you'll be vaporized, or survive and live in some radioactive wasteland. But that's ok,

because it probably won't happen in the immediate future, so you might as well go out

and buy the week's groceries.

Beneath the thin veneer of civilization lies a howling madness, and the average normal

human being has the ability to commit genocide during the day, then come home and

tuck the kids in at night, or to ignore the pain of a billion people in misery while mowing

the lawn or doing christmas shopping.

The Big Lie is that all of the problems of human life are separate. If you

compartmentalize them all, you can convince yourself that once you lose that 40 pounds,

or get more money, or get your husband to stop beating you, or finally kick that addiction,

you'll be a normal happy person like everyone else. And once you get the right politician

elected, or win the war, or convert the infidels to your religion, the world will be a happy


The problems of life are all symptoms of the same cause. The locks on your doors

which you need to keep out burglars, the schoolyard bully, the serial killer, the drug

addict, the drug dealer, the billionaire who thinks he's being exploited by the poor, the

millions of soldiers fighting for peace, the enslavement or slaughter of entire races of

people, and your own unhappiness, all are interconnected. They are all part of one


I wish I could define the problem for you, or offer a solution. Human beings seem to

have a basic design flaw. We're a ****** up species, striving to be healthy and happy

while simultaneously destroying ourselves and each other in a million different ways.

The only positive note I can end this on is that it's better to understand all this than to be

ignorant of it, I think.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have never been much of an optimist myself but I think your shot glass is half empty.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Unfortunately you come to your determination based on what you hear about from day to day. What about the millions of people you don't hear about, who are living perfectly contented lives, never doing, or being a part of anything that would make them eligible to get into the news? You wont hear about them, because it's only the bad news that makes the news. Good news is bad news for the news business. But those people are out there, all over the world. Everything is relative, and everything is comparative. You might think the guy tending his rice fields in china has a miserable life because he doesn't have a t.v. or a computer, or any of the kind of "stuff" that we, in our world, have come to regards as essential to "good living". But the criterion is whether or not HE is content, and if that is all he has known all his life, and his parents before him, then by his evaluation he is content.

    When we're born, we don't get an "owner's manual" that as we get old enough to read and learn we can refer to, to know how to deal with certain situations, certain emotions, and all of the vicissitudes of life that come our way. We get a certain amount of cultural indoctrination and we learn something from that, but basically, we are on our own, and we do the best we can with what we have. We're not perfect human beings, but as a species we are and have been learning from the year dot. We're getting better at it. It may not seem so to YOU, because one person's life span is but an eyeblink in cosmic terms. All you ever get to experience is your own little "blip" on the screen of life. But humans ARE learning how to do things better, and we will continue to make mistakes, and stumble, and get back up, and stagger on. Meanwhile what we should all try to understand, and to do, is concentrate on living our own lives with as much dignity and "rightness" as we can.

    What I do NOT think serves any valuable purpose is to take the attitude that everything stinks and it's all useless. You radiate sourness outwards and you spread it around in a hurry. But when you radiate encouragement, understanding, and motivation, people pick up on that too, and you contribute your little bit to the gradual betterment of all of humanity. You will not live to see the end result, but some day, others who come after us, will be living in that "better world" that you, and I, and everybody who tries, today, will have helped to make.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well as some things actually might be true others I can't agree on. Sure we all want happy lives but some people like the "prostitute" in your story started her unhappy life from her childhood where she was probably abused or something ismilar happened. All of life repeats itself at different times and a little bit different becuase of technology and everything else advancing.

    Your not being optimistic enough, if you live your life in sorrow you will never find happiness.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know if that's a big lie. It's an ok lie. Now, the butter/margarine debate is where the really big lies are being slung around.

    Life is not the interconnected tapestry you believe it to be: life is too complicated and based on happenstance for that to be the truth. Although your little rant here sounds like it belongs in a Palahniuk novel. In fact, you just might hear from his lawyers.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is so right and amazing.


    We're all connected and part of a big puzzle.

    And you're right.

    Anything that I do will somehow someday affect your life.

    Any vise versa with any other person in this world.

    Everything can be ****** up sometimes.

    But I rely on my perspective to keep me positive.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Obama's Biggest Lie is when he says: " I am not a Muslim Sympathizer or a Muslim " Biden's Biggest Lie is when he said " It is a Patriotic Duty of Americans to pay more taxes "

  • 1 decade ago

    The way we are living is sad, I totally agree with you and I am a pessimist as the others would say... But the real madness behind all this is that it is as mad as the solar system or the galaxies... It is just happening... Like gravity...

  • 1 decade ago

    well according to philosophy, to be truly happy is to be

    "good" and moral. But who defines good... its subjective to everybody, and in reality, who really is like Mr Flanders on the Simpson's? nobody I know. And really, not everybody will have that option.. sometimes its do something bad, or do something worse, and that's it.

    I don't think we were "designed" to be messed up, I think its our society that taught us to be that way.

    And while I agree with you on its better to understand, but understanding can also open up dark perceptions and be just plain depressing.. and sometimes ignorance is better and less painful.. ignorance is bliss right?

  • 1 decade ago


  • Yahoo
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Yeah the iLLUminati hidden agenda sucks.

    Source(s): Watch " Bringers of the Dawn " 1-18 on YouTube by Barbara Marciniak
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