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Why does he say this?

my boyfriend doesnt like when i cut myself but he's the one that always pushes me to the point where i have to and then everytime i tell him he says "no, dont do it. stop that" i ask him why and he says because he doesnt like it, i think theres more to that reason then he's telling me. anybody else think so too, if so do you know the other reasons?


oh and fyi no im not desperate for attention, i do it because its my only way out of the pain

16 Answers

  • DrB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You know you need help..

  • 1 decade ago

    Okay, I just read through your last few questions, so this is going to tie in to all three. First off, from what you say, you seem to be in a not so healthy relationship. Your bf has some major anger issues, some of which are to be expected bc of his age. But, cracking his mom's windshield is a little extreme. Who knows, maybe you guys can help each other through the tough times.

    Now, as for you cutting yourself, many people (myself included) have suggested you to seek outside help. At this point, I don't honestly think you are going to follow our advice. But, every time you think about cutting yourself, which I might add, is a real condition, I want you to make yourself stop and consider a few things. First off, as far as it upsetting your bf. If he really does care for you, this is going to hurt and scare him. How would you feel if he was doing this to himself? What happens if you cut to deep in the wrong spot?

    Okay, what about the rest of your family? You have to know someone cares. Anyone. Could you honestly sit down with an aunt or grandparent and tell them everything you've told all of us on here? Can you truthfully say they would have no reaction at all? I don't think so. And if nobody cares, why do you hesitate to get help? To call or go to someone and tell them what's going on? Every time you hurt yourself, you are hurting everyone around you. They care, you just don't see it right now. We care and we are all strangers to you. Your life is worth alot! If you don't like something, change it. Your future is in your hands, you just have to figure out what you want it to be. You deserve to be happy! Find something that can give you an outlet. The poetry suggestion was a really great one! I started writing when I was a teenager and I still do. It really does help! Good Luck to you!

  • 1 decade ago

    I know the feeling!I I did the same thing, there is a pain you feel that you can't put your finger on.The pain you feel is beyond words.When you hurt inside from something you don't even dare tell your boy friend.I don't know how long you two have been together.But it sounds to me that your feeling are to strong to walk away.He tells you he does not like you doing that but he never wants to just sit down and talk about it.He tells you he don't want you doing that but he never asks you why you do it.Maybe he don't really want to know why, he just tells you not to do it.It's not that you need outside help like some think.You just want him to stop hurting you the way he does.To me it's just your way of feeling real pain and not mind and heart pain.But now for him maybe he don't understand that he is hurting you by what he says or does.He may not be one that will tell you how he truly feels. So when you cut your self as you do it upsets him because he does not want to lose you.Maybe his mother and father were never ones to be open and talk about what was bothing them.So in turn he learned not to be open to the one he loves.Look if your relationship is the kind you want to save and you would like to stop cuting your self. Be the one to save it and tell him that your sorry for the way you hurt your self.But you love him with all your heart and soul and that you both need to sit down and try to save this relationship.Try to work together to save the love you have for both of you.Cuting your self is not the answer to feel real pain.Working to try to feel real love is better then any pain you can give to your self.

    Source(s): just my thoughts
  • 1 decade ago

    The fact that you openly cut yourself makes me feel like you really want attention. Usually when people cut themselves, they keep their emotions inside. Your promoting them, this just leads me down a negative path to how I and a lot of others might perceive you and your issues. Your boyfriend doesn't want to see your hurt and your wrong to blame him. If he doesn't like it and you won't stop doing it, then don't tell him and blame him. Get help, self-abuse can be stopped with will-power and determination. You can do it. Have faith in yourself and stop leaning on your boyfriend or you'll drive him away. Love Chelsea

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  • 1 decade ago

    girl u know im ur friend and i got ur back... the only reason why ur boyfriend is acting like that and is not telling the whole true reason is cuz he is probably a guy that keeps his emotions in but he is telling u somethin that he thinks is not right is "CUTTING URSELF" u need 2 stop its not healthy 4 u and its definitly not healthy 4 ur relationship...


  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think that theres a deeper reason to it, it seems that he doesn't want you to cut yourself just because it is a danger to yourself. He most likely doesn't realize that he is driving you the point of cutting yourself.

  • 1 decade ago

    I understand why you cut but your boyfriend should be saying don't do it because I love you and you should love yourself...he should be trying to understand your pain not contribute to it..Please get some to someone that understands that when you say your hurting it doesn't necessarily mean physical pain.....

  • 1 decade ago

    thats stupid that you use the excuse of your boyfriend pushing you to a point...and makes you cut yourself. You can handle your anger or sadness in many different ways....start writing poetry about how you feel...i bet youll create something great !!! he tells you that cuz he cares about you, and it is very unhealthy for you!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, he doesn't push you to the point where you have too.

    You choose too, and if that works for you, that's your business.

    You choose to be with him, and if that works for you, that's your business.

    If he cares about you, then of course he doesn't want you hurting yourself, but he doesn't deserve to be given the blame for your choices.

  • 1 decade ago

    you need to go get some help. you should not feel like you should have to cut yourself for any reason. especially for some guy. please go get help. i had an ex in high school that did that. scary stuff.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why the F do you cut yourself. Your not that desperate for attention are you?

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