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yogeshwargarg asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

My dog asks me for biscuits punctually at 9.16 pm everyday.?

My dog,Bholoo, a male Germen Shepherd of five years has been approaching me every night for biscuits.For the last ten nights I have noted that he comes to me precisely at 9.16 p.m.I cannot imagine that he is able to read the clock on the wall. I infer that dogs too have body clocks like humans.I will like to learn experiences of other owners of pets like dog, cat or this aspect of animal/birds behavior.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My Goldens do the same, every night, without fail. Most probably at some time we have started it by giving them a biscuit at this time and they associate the time by something we do at that time every night. I usually make a coffee about 9 p.m. and have always given them their biscuit when I go in the kitchen so as soon as I move to go in the kitchen they associate this with 'biscuit time'. Dogs are creatures of habit. They just associate certain things with meal times or time to go out for a walk without our having to actually say a word.

    I have found once you start something they never let you forget it.

    Source(s): Golden Retriever Breeder Had dogs all my life Own 8 Goldens & 1 Springer
  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, your dog not only proves that dogs do have a biological clock, your dog is very accurate!

    When we were children my mother told us that the dogs knew when we would be arriving from school every day. We walked most of the time so it was not hearing the school bus that clued them in! As we walked up our driveway we would see our dogs all wagging their tails with their noses pressed up against the patio window watching us!

    With the time change, I wonder if your dog will be asking you for a treat an hour earlier now?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no known line between animal perception and human perception. Life is a spectrum, not a large grouping of boxes.

    In fact, we are so language dependent, that we have allowed some senses to disappear, or greatly decrease.

    My wife's cat begins to meow ten minutes before my wife's car is within even a cat's earshot. And that ariival time is irregular.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some animals ,including cats and dogs are psychics.They can tell when you are sad ,happy,sick,etc.Most also understands human speech.Believe it or not they can also predict some disasters.Most of their senses surpass ours. Anyways,I have a dog that always knows when someone is coming or leaving from the house.She also knows what time my parents get off from work .

    Source(s): The wisdom of the great and young Ndawg86.
  • john n
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    my dogs are the same they know when it is time for their breakfast snack and supper even walk time. the husky is more apt at it and he will come right up to me and bark and give me his paws. he has done this routine everyday for years. and if he doesn't get what he wants he will continually dance around and moan until he does. they must sense the time of day and know when eating and activitys are near. its a 6th sense i guess.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    many possibilities:

    the dogs a bot

    its god's dog

    its a ghost!!

    juss messing man

    animals have their own biological clock and they follow it..indeed it is scary to be so accurate as to ask for them at 916pm everyday though...

  • 1 decade ago

    WOW = Yep Shepherds are the most intelligent of the animals... heehee

    This makes my day = thanks for sharing = I am gonna share it at training on Monday night

    H.O.T. Dog

    Handler Owner Trainer of GSD's

    Member U.S.A & A.W.D.F

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Good, you`ll always know when it`s 9:16!!! Set your clock by it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think they "feel" their master. Their feelings, time fear and they react to that.

  • 1 decade ago

    as long as he/she says "please" and "thank you", i see no reason why the little smarty should not have a biscuit.

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