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Lv 6
geegee asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Hillary & Rudy leading Polls Y/A Wrong?

From what I read on Y/A, not too many are for either of these candidates, yet they are leading in the polls. Are those on Y/A all wet? How is it that these two can be leading when most Y/A's I read are not for these people; whats going on here? Is everyone on Y/A totally out of the loop? Please help me understand this variation from the mainstream voters.


Please, people, I am well over the age of 35 but, I have a computer, I love to ask & answer questions on Y, play games, read the news stories etc. So stop assuming that no one over the age of 35 ever gets on Y! There are more of us than you might guess, some of the answers you read may just happen to come from some of us older ones! I enjoy reading the Q's & A's from younger people, it gives me a clue as to how my Grandchildren are thinking!

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, the way polls are delivered to the public is misleading. They target demographics, and they don't poll too many people. Eventually, based on responses, they narrow down the selection of candidates available.

    So, let's say a Democratic poll is being conducted amongst ten people (underexageration).

    They include... let's say, four of the candidates:Hillary, Obama, Edwards, and Biden.

    4 vote for Hillary, 3 for obama, 2 for edwards, and 1 for biden. Biden gets knocked off the list, due to his low turnout.

    And it funnels down from there.

    In other words, polls are anything but scientific (and accurate) unless you call every household in america. Which they obviously don't.

    Source(s): I was talking to a Political Science teacher and a few students in similar fields about this not too long ago.
  • Kate
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I think you are out of the loop. Hillary and Rudy have been leading the polls for quite a while now.

    Now, the polls could change with the primaries in Iowa/SC/New Hampshire/etc.

    Rudy has taken on the role as the only republican candidate for Roe V Wade and supports civil unions between homosexual couples. When you really look at it, Hill and Rudy have a lot of the same attributes.

    Joe Biden summed it up best at the democratic debate concerning weather Rudy would be qualified for President by saying, Rudy has three words in his sentences, a noun, a verb and a subject and that subject is ALWAYS 911. Didn't want to quote just in case.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Yahoo answerers are out of the loop, but they don't care. They've all already chosen a candidate to support and just bickering back and forth. They make up things to be taken as actual fact. You cannot take these people for mainstream voters.

  • 5 years ago

    Rudy has a large undertaking with the fundamentalist wing of the republican party. he's professional decision and professional gay rights. He additionally had an somewhat public affair whilst married. If he's seen a countrywide hero that's by using fact he got here approximately to be the mayor of long island on 9/11, no longer by using fact of something outstanding that he did. i for my section think of he will have a coarse time getting the nomination.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People who post in Yahoo Politics and Elections are not very good indicators of mainstream national trends. For one thing, this site attracts a lot of extremists from both sides. There are moderates here, but for the most part it's people complaining who are obsessed with politics because they have extremist views about one side or the other. That's why when someone asks how many people are going to vote for Hillary, or Rudy, etc. it's really sort of silly because it won't give a true indication of the national trend. A good example is how many Paul supporters/fanatics we see in these sections. If you went by them you'd think he was the front runner, but I just saw him grinning on national TV because one national poll had him surge to a whole 5%. Wow, impressive lol.

  • 1 decade ago

    Polls are hard to tell.

    First, ask WHO are taking part, and WHO are excluded from those polls.

    Often, those polled have registered last election and voted. This means basically only Kerry & Bush voters are being polled. Everyone who didnt vote is not. Independents and others are not included. (from what I understand)

    And from a majority of polls, Ron Paul is a great example of who is simply excluded allthough his fundraising shows true support from MANY more people than McCain has for example (who IS in all those mainstream polls).

    I think each poll is different, but those details are never included in the poll results which are so liberally thrown around as a measure of a candidates power.

    Perhaps we should ignore polls, and look at the number of unique campaign donors of over $20+ for example. (Donations, and not purchases made of tshirts and buttons).

  • 1 decade ago

    The older segment of the population such as retired people do not spend their time on a computer and lots of them don't even own a computer, therefore won't be included in many polls. When they go out and vote, the polls will be meaningless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    YA people are only a small demographic of usually younger adults (18-35).

    Rudy and Hillary are popular with the older crowds, who are less likely to be posting on here.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think the polls are more driven by the media. Howard Dean was leading in the polls too. We won't know anything for sure until people start voting. I know a lot of people who say they will vote for Hillary if she gets the nomination, but I don't know anybody whos says she is their first choice.

    EDWARDS 2008!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are leading in the NATIONAL polls. Y/A polls are meaningless since some say Ron Paul is a legitimate candidate.

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