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hard drives.external hard drives.?

my hard drive on my computer has got 29.2gb left on it.but i have a lacie external hard drive with 232 gb.and its never been used.and i want to start useing the lacie hard drive because i have a lot of things to put on how do i go about it.useing my lacie hard drive.and can i transfer the stuff on my computer hard drive to the lacie hard drive.can you answer this question very simple because when it comes to computers.i am very very stupid indeed.thanks

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    just transfer thing that u think u want to keep but u wont use it everyday into ur external hard drive..

    if some file u think u dont use it anymore..just delete it...

    dont use ur external hard drive as ur main storage..because ur computer will act slow..

    use ur external hard drive as back up storage..

    transfer ur photo,music,video to external hard drive

    but do not transfer the system32 component...

    after u transfer it,defrag ur internal hard drive so that it will works faster..( start>all programes>accesories>sytem tools>DISK DEFRAGMENTER ) the disk defragmenter process take long times depend on u..if u do not always defrag ur computer,it will took longer time to end the process...

    but u will see the different after disk defragmenter..

    try it..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your external hard drive should show as an icon on your screen. Simply drag and drop everything you want on that drive. If you want to clear space on your machine's hard drive then don't forget to delete whatever you move onto the Lacie once you have checked that it has transferred successfully.

    If you want to start putting stuff directly on the Lacie then just specify it as the destination whenever you save something.

    You have a massive amount of capacity as it stands and I am unsure why you want to move stuff onto the Lacie, unless it is for reasons of backup, which is obviously a good idea.

    It's a shame you are not on a Mac, as you would then have, on Leopard, the fabulous Time Machine facility which will mean never losing anything ever again.

    If you don't think you are much good at computers make your next one a Mac - they are simpler, smarter, and cooler than a PC, and much easier to use. Vista is where Mac was about ten years ago.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, you can transfer the data from your internal hard drive to your external hard drive. For most files, you would simply cut and paste the files to the external drive. I'm assuming that you want to copy files such as music, video, images, etc.

    Connecting your external drive should be very simple. Most external hard drives I've seen lately have no independent power source (meaning that you don't have to plug them into an outlet), but just a USB cable, meaning that you can plug it into any open USB port on your computer, and it will run off your computer power supply, and your operating system (Windows XP for instance) will read the external drive as an external storage device.

  • 1 decade ago

    Portable hard drives have grown in popularity. They offer a wide range of storage capacity and cross-platform compatibility in today’s computing world. These drives are available in various sizes—from one gigabyte (GB) to 400 GB. They are primarily used in different machines as removable media to store, transfer, edit, restore or share files. Here is how to use an external hard drive with multiple computers.

    Things You'll Need

    USB port


    Step One Identify different computers for which you need to store, transfer, edit, restore or share files using an external hard drive.

    Step Two Check the operating system of each computer and note the configuration and related information.

    Step Three Find out the availability of a spare USB port on each machine as you will need to use this port to attach the external hard drive. Usually, a USB 2.0 version hard drive is compatible with most computers.

    Step Four Format the disk in MS-DOS while working with Mac and PC platforms. Both systems can read and write in MS-DOS format. Check the storage capacity and consider your future requirements.

    5 Step FiveInstall the required drivers to detect the external hard drive in older versions of the Windows operating system. Windows XP allows the majority of external hard drives to plug and play using the USB port. Older versions such as Windows 98 or Windows 2000 Pro may require you to install the driver provided along with the external hard drive for detection and use.

    6 Step SixAttach the drive to the USB port using the cable connector. Once the drive is recognized by the computer, you can copy, store, transfer, edit, restore or share data files on the machine using the explorer window in Windows OS.

    7 Step SevenEject and unplug the drive from the USB port using a safe removal technique as shown in the manual.

    8 Step EightUse the drive with other machines in a similar way.

    -bry (owned this question :) )

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I think it's good in parts, but if you really want it to be like the Lord's Prayer for computing, you need to pay more attention to making the words from each more homonymous (sounding similar). I like 'lead us not into fragmentation' a lot :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    plug it into a usb and turn it on mine found mine.

    you can cut and paste like i did all my music, photos and powershows.

    or you can copy and it will show the external hard drive as a choice

  • 1 decade ago

    right click on what ever it is you want to transfer you will see option send to then select your new drive to send to.!If it is something that is not on your pc hard drive i.e.from the internet save to your desired drive a,b,c,d,..etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    just right click your drive thats got 29.2gb left and send it to your drive thats got 232gb

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