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Dawg Winfrey asked in SportsBasketball · 1 decade ago

The San Antonio Spurs...?

Why do people say that the Spurs are boring? Do they play the right way? Why don't the high flying, run and gun basketball teams in the NBA win titles anymore?

Personally, I appreciate the Spurs and the way they approach the game. They treat every posession with care and precision. And most of all...they win games and why aren't they appreciated more?


iknowball...I never said that a "high flying" "run and gun" team ever won a championship. I merely asked why haven't they won one.

Update 2:

Olga S...I've never heard anyone say that they play "too" much defense. And also that the teams like the Suns play with more intensity...I dont agree, just because someone isn't pumping their fist or yelling and screamimg doesn't mean that they aren't playing with intensity.

Update 3:

PK Tim...aren't the NBA Finals on TV?

Update 4:

m33p0...The Celtics of the 60's were a defensive team not a run and gun team. The got into transition due to great defense headed by Russell's blocks and steals. Which made Cousy job much easier getting the ball to shooters such as Bill Sharman.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All Spurs all the time here!

    All of you above me that think the Spurs are boring; two words for ya: Manu Ginobili. That guy is so far from boring! He brings intensity off the bench night in and night out, he fires up the crowd and his team. He is like a destroyer in the middle. He can posterize a player, finger roll, drive the lane for an and 1, or light you up from 3 point land!

    In case all of you have forgotten, Tony Parker pretty much kicks butt! He has something Steve Nash desperately wants: a title and the finals MVP. The guy is fast, he and Manu run the break like nobody's business.

    Most people think they are boring because they fly under the radar all season and sneak up behind you to steal your prize. They always have their eyes on your prize (Phoenix watch out!). They are very methodical in their approach to winning and other franchises are now trying to copy their approach (Dallas, Cleveland, Boston, and now Seattle).

    Appreciate them now, while you can. They will be a team of the ages that everyone talks about.

    I love the Spurs approach to the game, the community, and life in general. They make you proud to be a Spurs fan. Now that is exciting!

  • 5 years ago

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, a Spurs repeat is a very realistic possibility. As good as Boston is this year, the East still isn't much competition for the West. While Boston and Orlando have added firepower from the West, they lack the depth and solidity that the Western teams have. So the question ultimately ends up being, can the Spurs win the Western Conference. I think it's very possible. Dallas I never really thought as being a major contender simply because they have no inside game. When you have a 7'0" perimeter player shooting threes along with the 1, 2, and 3 positions leaving only Eric Dampier or DaSagna Diop in the middle, you'll get pounded on offense inside every single time (see round 1 playoffs last year). Utah I believe is a solid team, but again, not championship material yet. They haven't really made any significant changes, and while they have a solid all around game, I don't think they'll be the dominant team. Phoenix I think is a great team and will do really well this year. However, while they've added more firepower (Grant Hill) they've also lost their defense in the paint (Kurt Thomas), which I think will hurt them a lot. Denver is always a crapshoot. It'll be interesting to see how two shoot first players (AI and Melo) will continue to develop together. Additionally, while Melo is extending his range, beyond JR Smith, you don't have a huge perimeter threat, which means a lot of traffic inside. I think the key will be if Nene, Camby, and K-Mart can stay healthy. Houston is probably the team I'm most worried about. The new Adleman offense I think will mesh will with probably the best inside-outside combo of Yao and T-Mac in the game. Assuming that T-Mac stays healthy. Luis Scola might come back to bite the Spurs because it pulls Yao to a high post where he gets pounded less, but is still a potent scorer. The platoon at the PG position I think will determine how this one pans out, I'm not too enamored of what James and Francis are capable of and Alston is too inconsistent to be reliable, but they all are decent points to say the least. If Aaron Brooks gets playing time and breaks out, I think it's over. So, in conclusion, the Spurs have a very good chance to repeat, they have the same team that won the championships last year, and I think that it can do the job this year. Of course it's still kind of early to tell.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because, they are a very balanced and team oriented team, they play the right way, and yes a very boring way as well. High flying teams don't win titles anymore, because you have kids influenced by AND1, pretty much all offense and no defense, you look at history and you will realize no matter how good the players are, without defense they just don't win. Spurs take a more retro approach in the fact they execute every play with care and time, another words, they don't run and gun like alot of other teams, it makes it boring because it slows the game down, and scoring speed decrease dramatically, with the exception of french "rapper" haha Tony Parker. I hate the Spurs, but they win because their not doing all this bullsh!t AND1 stuff.

  • 1 decade ago

    They arent aprreciated by the fans because they play boring basketball that works, but does not deliver the intensity of the other teams like the Suns. Nowadays people like to see fast running teams that put on a show. I think that its hard for these teams to win because they are stopped by teams like the Spurs. In my opinion the Spurs are boring to watch, because they play too much defense. And of course offense is funner then defense. Nobody will appreciate this team until Duncan and Bowen either get traded or retire, its just the way it works.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Because they are jealous and stupid......The Spurs play basketball to win, not to show off or anything, just win. That's what the NBA is. If people want run and gun teams, like the Suns or Lakers, they should go watch Street ball or something, where the score doesn't matter, only the dunks. For people who want to watch basketball, watch the Spurs.

    Spurs in '08

    Go Spurs Go!!

    Source(s): Spurs fan
  • Reese
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't find them boring but then again, I think overall basketball has become boring. They are an excellent team with high talent. I think a lot of people are sick of seeing them win the Championship but that isn't their problem. I don't think they are being appreciated more like other teams because they aren't a "Hollywood" team. you look a the the laker's and see at least 4 to 5 celebs at each home game. They don't have the players like other teams have in Kobe or Shaq. I bet no one had ever heard of Tony Parker until he married Eva Longoria then everyone started to notice he was a b-ball player.

    Personally, I think the Spurs are very much appreciated in the sports world.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's probably an unfair label.

    They play a solid fundamental brand of basketball. Not a lot of flash, no trash talk, few highlight reel moments...

    Defense is their hallmark. Distribution and teamwork don't lend themselves to "droppin' 50."

    Slowing down the tempo and forcing a half-court, contend-every-shot game is sometimes more appealing to the purists.

    They just don't have selfish, offense first players.

    None of their players make much of a compelling interview. I love Tim Duncan, but his interviews give the impression he's got the personality of wet bread.

    All this said, they have the rings and a serious dynasty-- a well earned one at that.

    Maybe people will come around eventually and appreciate what they are doing.

  • m33p0
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    actually, the most successful dynasty in NBA history was a running team. bill russel was the catalyst of that celtic dynasty with bob cousy running the break. but they weren't careless with the ball. they did it with precision just like the spurs. and like the spurs, that celtic team was hated.

    i dare you to ask kurt thomas if duncan was boring. i bet he'd knock you to the ground.

    if the spurs were based in new york, i don't think we'll be hearing any "boring spurs" comments. people would be haling them as a team of the ages.

  • 1 decade ago

    first of all,im a spurs fan since duncan came!people see them boring bcoz like i said to previous questions,they have no highlight reels night in and night out!no high flying dunks,no acrobatic shots that jordan used to do,no run and gun plays that scores up to 100 pts,not much drop passes that lead to powerful dunks!these are the types of play most people want to see coz it gives them thrill!

    now,what the spurs are doing is fundamental and all basics basketball!no much dunks coz they find a player with an open and high percentage shot.manu does few acrobatic shots which made him deadly because he can also shoot 3!tony also runs but only if he has advantage on transition defense.duncans low post play is their primary option,if defense dont double on tim,he can past easily his low post defnders. but if they do double him,another spur will be open and shoot a three!

    in defense,spurs opponents scores averaging only 88 ppg!their transition defense is great,their one-on-one defense is anchored by bruce bowen and he is many-time mamber of all-defensive team.their help defense is one of the best,if not the best!

    these are the very basic and fundamentals of basketball which made them the winningiest team in all pro-sports with a winning percentage of above 70%.but these are also the things most of the fans and viewers dont want to see unless your a spurs fan or an intelligent analyst!

  • 1 decade ago

    When exactly did the "high flying, run and gun" teams win titles? Every championship team has been built around fundamentals. This includes the Showtime Lakers and the 90s Bulls, the closest teams I can think of to your "run and gun" terminology.

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