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Should I report rape?

Let me explain. I was assaulted ( stabbed and beaten ). Then I was stalked for two years. During that time, the assailant came back to house several times and we have it on film. The police won't even look at the film or photos. They don't believe me about the assault - so I am naturally hesitant to report a rape.

I live in backwoods GA, and we basically have no police protection. The courts are no better. The assailant was a stranger to me. However, we hired a PI and he traced the stalker, and it is a different person. Don't know if there is a connection or not. We ran out of money, so had to stop the investigation. But, we do know who the stalker is. The assailant was much younger - and I have a composite and a still photo that is pretty clear with him trespassing or following us. I hate to let this happen to other people, but they actually arrested me for false report and i can't afford to fight another charge. The rape is long since past, so there is no evidence.


Same stalker, same assailant, but two people. I know who the stalker is, but not the assailant. The PI found the stalker by "stalking the stalker". The detective refused to see the PI. He was told to get out of the case or he would be arrested as well. The stalking was 6 weeks old when the stabbing occurred. He pulled my clothes off then, he dropped his knife. He ran - but he came back 4 months later. I can't carry a gun - I've got a record. Ain't that a kick in the pants! We've been forced to make ourselves safe, with a dog, alarms for noise only, cameras and lights.

I've seen a therapist for two years because and am just angry now - anger turned outward keeps you fighting, anger turned in is depression.

A judge was involved in a hit and run accident while driving drunk - he got a reckless conduct charge and a fine, and his bench.

I was nearly murdered and got a record. And they wonder why I was suicidal?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am sorry that you have to go thru this. The cops will not help you, and the scum bag is still loose. It is indeed a great state Georgia, all those good al' boys. The thing is they do not like you for some reason. You are a victim and they arrested you for false statement to the police?. Wow.

    I have been told alot of stories about Georgia, I guess it's true.

    We Floridians do not like to travel thru but we do not have a choice. I would not report it. You will be chastised, and probably is one of them....

    Good luck, and close all the windows shut.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Back when you were stabbed and assaulted did you file a report and did the police show up and investigate? What was the outcome in this matter. You don't say when you were raped. Did it happen while being stalked? Did the PI give you any reports as to how he located the stalker? Is this stalking case a different person than the one that stabbed and assaulted you? Is the stalker also the rapist? Do you have a still photo of the rapist ? or the stalker? I am trying to read between the lines and make sense out of this question. I am a little confused at this time. Since you have access to a computer, I would go on line to find some legal help, or woman's group to at least bring this matter out and maybe there are others out there have also been raped by this guy and a case could be brought before a court. It shouldn't matter where you live in Georgia, this is still America and everyone should be protected. God Bless

  • 5 years ago

    The man I'm dating said to me yesterday. " half of all women who say they were raped are having remorse ."

    I think he's a jerk! He s the biggest liar I know !

    3% of all reported rapes are male on male and men feel differently about that. To all men who say women who report rapes are lying I can only hope a man rapes you.

    The only answer I have for you is to get your self a butcher knife and when the bastard comes back chop his penis off!!

    People victim blame when a woman is raped. How would it feel if you were a victim of a crime and a person asked what were you wearing at the time ?

    If a man has had sex with numerous women does that mean it's okay if he gets raped by a man?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You should report an assault such as this the instant you are free to run to the hospital. Have a doctor perform a rape kit.

    As for false reporting, I have been harassed in the past for reporting "false" abuse. I witnessed the abuse, and decided to report it. It is very frustrating when the victims are not willing to back you up when you are concerned with their well being.

    There are rape crisis centers, and many other sources to help battered, and abused women than your good ole' boys down at the police station. Please contact other sources, you do not want this same situation happening to others.


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  • 1 decade ago

    Reported you for false arrest.

    If the police wont help you, go the the Internal Affiars or even the FBI for their lack of taking a rape seriously.

    Go to the police commissionaer and make him do his job.

    FIRST, for it happening to you, and 2nd, to help prevent it from happening again.

    Go over the police's head, especially since oyu have photos, and a composite.

    Dont let this walk away.

    At same time,I would say get yourself a gun.

    And learn how to use it.

    Get yourself a concealment permit, so you can carry that gun around you and in your car.

    this way if he comes can protect yourself.

    Terribly sorry it happened to you.

    But you have to safeguard yourself -- because these type of people will Strike again.

    So if the police dont want totake you seriously...then force them to by going to those that keep them in line.

    you can always call the newspapers.

    Tell them your story...anonymously if you want.

    And they will start something on the police.

  • 1 decade ago

    > The rape is long since past, so there is no evidence.

    Yeah sounds like a lot of speculation and paranoia to me.

    If you can't get police help, then file a civil suit for any or all of the above. the standard of proof is a bit lower - remember OJ? - and you might find some justice there.

    But I doubt it, sounds like much ado about something you should be exploring with a therapist, a not a court.

  • 1 decade ago

    You should definitely report it. Why they didn't believe you when you were stabbed I have no idea. If they do not help you, or arrest you again on false charges, you should be able to threaten to press charges against them (I know there is something you can press charges for if they refuse to look into it or help, but am not sure what it is called, sorry). If they do not help after the threat, press charges against them.

  • Carlos
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    YES. Rape is the most under reported crime in the USA. If you don't report it, then you are letting the problem continue happening. Society has to get stricter on rapist.

  • Kevy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    If the DA will not pursue charges, talk to your state's Atty General.

  • rjrmpk
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Two words:


    But be smart about it. Remember, you aren't required to notify trespassers about natural hazards on your property, like a new cesspool.

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