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how do you get over a man?

I was in love with this boy for the past five years. It seems that every time I try to move on, I just can't. What do you think I should do?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Go out and meet other guys. The reason you haven't gotten over him is because you haven't met anyone who seems as great as you think he was...YET. Go out on dates. There a lot of great guys out there. Even do an online dating profile if you want to. Make new freinds, continue to hang out with your old ones. Stay busy, but not so much that you don't actually heal.

    A lot of people have someone who they think they will love forever, but eventually gets over because they met someone even better, or time just took it's course. Accept that it didn't work out for a reason, and this only means there is someone better for you out there. Time heals all wounds. Cliche, but true. ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to keep busy. Every time a memory comes at you, you need to replace it with a new one. If the two of you went to the park every Sunday per say...don't just avoid the park, go there with a friend, or someone that you can have a good time with. Pretty soon you'll feel better and have alot of new memories to take the place of the ones that used to be there. Hang in there!

  • 1 decade ago

    You don't get over anyone, the way they affected you has to be apart of who you are. Yes you like this guy, and you always will, but you can't wait. Don't try and "get over" him, just let the love you feel for him stay with you and hope that someday someone will love you just as much if not more.

  • 1 decade ago

    Give it time. Start socializing with other guys. Do things to boost your confidence enough to realize that he's the one missing out on something good. Make a list of your greatest qualities and keep telling yourself how awesome you are.

    Easier said than done.

    I know because I've been there.

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  • Its hard to get over some you been in love for a long time I know it will take awhile, but you will. Its o.k to still have feeling for him that will always stay with you. It will take time but you will find someone just as you found him and he might be better for you.

  • 1 decade ago

    time give it time I have the same problem I just cant move on

    but they say time will heal you may always have a speacil place in your heart for him but time will help you get over him

    for now go out with friends and hang out talk to other guys but go slow I promise I know what your goin through.....good luck friend!

  • 1 decade ago

    i can definitely relate to your experience. i guess we can't do anything about it but just get used to it. the guy has become a part of your life and you can't just get it out from you. just live your life, go out, meet people, it's just a matter of moving forward even if the letting go part is not over...

  • 1 decade ago

    wait for time to pass time.

    i say this from experience...

    time will heal those feelings & just try to meet new people so u can be busy & wont hav time to remembwer him

    or those feelings as much

    just dont force yourself to start any relatiuonship to soon.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just follow these very simple instructions

    1. find everything of his that you have

    2. put it in a box

    3. go outside and burn it

    4. try to sweep up the ashes

    5. flush whatever ashes you are able to sweep up

    6. get dolled up and go out and find yourself a new, sexier, better man

    Source(s): works for my big sis who does this like twice a week
  • 1 decade ago

    To get over a man is very easy.

    Ask him to lie down, and jump on him.

    Now you are over him.

    If you want to get under him, that would be more difficult! Ask me, and I will be happy to help though! You can practice on me! :)

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