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Has religion done more good or more harm to the world?

Like the Inquisitions, the Jihads, holy wars, Crusades, Hindu/Muslim war in India/Pakistan and things like that. Oh, and Abe attempting to cut his kid in half to appease the voices.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Look at things done at the expression of some religious doctrine. The Crusades, the Inquisition, the Witch Trials. Just a few. Religion justifies hate and prejudice. You can't tell me that Christianity is a religion of peace when God burns people in hell, and tells you all about the ways you should kill people for certain crimes. Stone adulterers, disobeying children, gays, keep slaves etc. are all messages that if you read the entire bible you would see. Religion has done MUCH worse then good. You can't do anything in the name of something that doesn't teach you anything, therefore atheism has done much more for the world.

  • meena
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Religion means way of life, path to follow during every moment of the life.Not just going to mosques on fridays or going to church on sundays or going to temples on some auspicious moments alone. During other times in life we follow our own lusts and desires. The very fact he goes to prayer for few minutes should guard him from sins and guide him during the normal course of life. God, the All Mighty Power dont need man's prayers and offerings. If man does a mistake what will religion do. Will you blame the scientific development for nuclear weapons. It is 100% man's own choice to make nuclear bombs to kill his fellow humans. But today a major section of press associates all the problems of the society to a particular religion instead of addressing the core issues of the problem itself. No religion says any human to harm others. The world has become more materialistic and man is forced to forget the very purpose of his being here. Only one question if thought deeply will make man to look for the right path. From where we all came, what is our purpose of being here and where are we going to go? Simply if 90 out of 100 say this is holy war, then it doesnt mean really a holy war. For example few politicians take huge bribe and put a small percentage of it into the treasury of God for wiping away the sin. Will this action really wipe away that? No way.Religion if it is the right one will always do good to human. It is the only way to make man to follow the right path in his life.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Religions are formed to give good deliverance to the human society. But any thing made good can be utilised in bad ways. your argument of holy war matters a lot. good principles of a religion are misunderstood or mis formulated to deliver bad. This holds good for all religion. Whether it is Hinduism (Caste problem and inhuman activities), Islam (as you have said), Christianity (spending huge money for conversion), Buddhism (holding political power in case of Srilanka) like wise

  • 1 decade ago

    Religion is only there for mortals to justify an existence that has no meaning or purpose. Religious leaders tell you to "repent for your sins"

    Why bother...?

    Regret is a wasted emotion.

    You are hurtling towards the end like a ball bearing being drawn to a magnet.

    You just cant see it.

    Source(s): I know what you dont.
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  • 1 decade ago

    People who do evil in the name of religion are not following religion, they are following their own selfish whims. People who follow religion correctly do no harm to others. Therefore, religion can only do good.

  • 1 decade ago

    Religion is derived from latin word means 'to connect' or to empathise or to unite...but we have created our own rituals to show supermacy on others through religion which is bad.

    Source(s): GOD
  • 1 decade ago

    Religion has done nothing wrong. It always teaches good things. It is the people who mis use religion has done damage.

  • sab
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    differant religions have done bad, if we all had one religion the world would be a much better place!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    More harm

    Source(s): @@@@@@@@
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that could go either way

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