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Anonymous asked in HealthDiseases & ConditionsOther - Diseases · 1 decade ago

im worried about a girl in my class.....?

i think she might have an eating diorder there is two girls

1.eats prbly a total of one meal a day {she has every meal but eats very little} breakfast about4 inch brek pizza {picks of all topping vegitarian} lunch a cookie or half a cookie every day thats it! and a little snack after school no supper she sasy she isnt hungry.. not extremely skinny but skinniest girl in class is she ok she is a very close friend!


2. dont know as much about her} she comes froma bad home enviorment and eats very little at luch she skinny but not that bad healthy if i were to ask her anything she wouldnt know she is autistic

pls help i want to help these people !!!


im not saying they do i just want to check to help them if they do


gosh i am just trying to help

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    if they r still eaing then they arent anerexic or belimic...but it deifinatly is on the way to it...ask ur close friend y she eats so little....and tell her she should eat some more or see some one like a councler or something...i would be worried 2

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know that there is much you can do to help them. The first girl seems to have an eating disorder, although I have met people who eat very little all day and still remain healthy. THis might just be normal for her body. THe second girl you said was autistic, so I know they are not social. Maybe you could somehow offer her some of your lunch, maybe a cookie or fruit or something. IF she's really hungry, she'll take it. All you can do is just accept these girls for who they are and be a good friend to them.

  • 1 decade ago

    There's usually not much you can do to help these people, because they usually get to be in denial about what's wrong with them, however, there are a few things you can try:

    1. Offer to share some of your lunch like, carrots or somehting healthy. If they say they're not hungry and yet are eating that cookie, say she definatly is otherwise she wouldn't be eating an unhealthy cookie.

    2. Tell them that you think it is unhealthy to eat like that. Talk about health problems etc.

    3. If they don't want to listen it's fine, never say you always say I that way they can't argue...Another thing is you can let your guidance counselor or parent know about this, they may be able to help.

    GOOD LUCK! Remember, it's their life, and if they don't want to change it for the better, you'll know that at least you tried. ;)

    Source(s): Me, Myself, and I
  • 1 decade ago

    You are very sweet to post a question like this. This situation should be handled delicately though. When you are anorexic you do NOT eat anything. Bulimia is when you regurgitate after intentionally eating a lot. They could also be depressed. Eating disorders can arise from depression. They might only be depressed and really need a friend. This is where you come in. If you are close friend you will know for sure. Follow them to the bathroom. GL

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  • 1 decade ago

    The best advice I can can give would be to lay low so she desn't suspect your accusations becasue people like that will deny it quickly and snap as fast as the drop of a penny! You should definately tell somebody so if she si need of help she can recieve it and become a healthy girl. So my plan for you is go to the guidance office and express your feelings of worry and that its coming from a good place in your heart, not a hurtful rumour and maybe they can help! I hope all goes well with you and the girl so do your best and even if it doesn't work out, know that you tried to do sowmthing good by helping her in a time of need!

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well for girl #1 you could say something like "My mom made some really good ____ last night, what did you have?" and if she says "nothing much" then you should be concerned. Or you can talk to her about how being anorexic can kill you, but don't tell her this directly or she'll think that you think that she's trying to be skinny.

    For girl #2, try talking to her, autistic kids can answer questions, just don't keep asking her like she's deaf, talk to her like any old friend and she'll come around.

  • 1 decade ago

    Autism has (I am pretty sure) nothing to do with eating.

    1. She might be one of those people who just doesn't eat a lot.

    2. She might not have much money at home, so that can;t get much food.

    3. She is worried about her looks, and wants to become as pretty and skinny as she can.

    Good Luck, I hope this helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    this goes for both of the girls you are talking about!

    they could have a problem when i developed my eating disorder at 15 i weighed 180lbs you don't have to be skinny to be anorexic trust me. but they may not have the money to eat and her family may not have food to put on the table... since you said they come from a bad family but if you are truly worried about them you may want to say something to a teacher or a councilor it sounds stupid but trust me if you notice it i am sure they have too... BTW i am only 20 and i have been there and done that. but trust me they will thank you if you help them. if they have a problem it might not be soon it may take years but if they have a problem and you help them see their way out of it trust me they will be more than grateful later. o0o BTW DON'T TALK TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THEIR "PROBLEMS" Trust me it will cause rumors and give you a bad name. but since you are genuinely concerned just talk to a teacher good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    1. reach out to her. let her know you've noticed some changes and want her to know she is there if she needs you. even eat with her to know that it's ok.

    2. tell their guardian or teacher to keep a close eye on her. she may need extra attention in other areas of her life.

    good luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would try to talk the girl you talked in in #1. Just tell her that it is ok to tell you if she has a problem.

    Tell a counselor or another trusted adult about the girl in #2.

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