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Should you be able to shoot burglars in your home?

Why are blacks in Texas protesting the shooting of black burglars and demanding that the homeowner be brought up on charges?


Hey Truth Hurts - it was blacks that came and protested with raised fists shouting "BLACK POWER" and bemoaning the fate of the robbers. And the group is called the "New Black Panters". So they self define as "black". Also they brought the race issue into this but coming out protesting as the "New BLACK Panthers".

Update 2:

Dragonwy...the robbers came onto the guy's lawn when he told them to put down the stuff. Sounds pretty threatening to me. The robbers should have put down the stuff and not not moved and they'd still be alive to prove that they were just selling bibles.

32 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Why are you racist??? The term "blacks" is NOT acceptable.

    As far as the law states where I'm from (not Texas) if there is an intruder in your house who is coming towards you and you fear for your safety, then you can protect yourself...The key words being TOWARDS YOU and FEAR FOR YOUR SAFETY. If they are leaving the residence once you find them in your home, then no you can't shoot to protect your property.

    Source(s): Police officer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, the logic is that it is impossible to know whether someone was actually a burglar or not if they are dead. Say a salesman comes to your door to sell you something, and you shoot him, and then say you thought he was a burglar. See the problem? He's dead, so it's your word against nothing. Anyone could shoot anyone in their house and say that they thought he was a burglar.

    In every state, you have a right to shoot if you cannot get away. And trying to escape before shooting isn't really too much to ask.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    These alleged burglars were not in the home of the shooter, nor did they attempt to enter his home. He saw them enter a neighbor's home, called 911, was told on no uncertain terms not to go outside, told the 911 operator he was going to shoot them, went out with his loaded shotgun and shot and killed them both.

    Absolutely, this man should be charged with premeditated murder. There is no stuff, his or anyone else's, that is worth anyone's life. And if, as this idiot claims, he felt threatened when he went outside to confront the two alleged burglars, well, whose fault was that? Under the circumstances, they would have been justified in shooting him!

    The two victims were dark-skinned Hispanics, and anything that happens between "whites" and any other "race" in this country brings out the racists. They generally have as much credence as the crackpots that wanted to execute a teacher for letting her students name a teddy bear Muhammed.

    It makes no difference what color anyone was in this incident. The man is a murderer, and should be locked up for the welfare of the rest of us. What matters now is what the grand jury determines. If they let this crackpot loose, the riots that follow will be well-deserved.

    BTW, I own several guns, and would have no qualms about using one to protect my family, which would include shooting an intruder. But somebody crawling out of my neighbor's window? For that there's 911, and I'll shoot him all right -- with my camera!

  • 1 decade ago

    i would use a gun or any other weapon to stop anyone that threatens my family.

    i would not, assume someone was breaking into my neighbors home. load a gun and walk outside and murder two people as they were leaving.

    unless, of course, my neighbor was home, then i would protect them any way i could.

    in this case i believe the house was empty, the old man went outside after telling the police he was going to kill them, confronted the men, and as they fled he shot them in the back...i dont think it was at all self defense...

    but since he did murder lowlife burglars, i'd say he should have to pay a fine...maybe fifty bucks for each person.

    and the families that are protesting should have to pay for the bullets the old man wasted on the guys, as well as all the property the two men have stolen over the years

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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    You ARE allowed to shoot an intruder, but only if you are in reasonable fear for your life. If you shoot an unarmed intruder in the back, that's a crime. If theres someone in your house with a machete or a gun, you're perfectly in your right to blow him away. Just make sure if you do shoot an intruder you shoot to kill, otherwise they'll probably sue you for medical bills.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


    I recommend this family self defence program that teaches how to win and dominate a violent situation on the street or in your home

    Good Bye

  • Why is Al Sharpton standing up for the Jenna 6 criminals? Why are 80% of the crimes done by 12% of the population (blacks). Why is Imus answering to a few Nappy Headed hoes?

    Because of Political correctness gone bad, and majority losing all its rights and freedoms.

  • 1 decade ago

    He should have called the police and let them handle it. If he was in his own home and someone broke in and posed a physical threat to him the he has a right to self defense. A neighbors property is not worth taking someones life over. He went looking for trouble and found it. His life will now be ruined and two people who did not deserve to die are dead.

  • 1 decade ago

    You should be able to protect yourself and your family. If someone is crazy enough to come into your home, while your in it, then they are crazy enough to do anything. Therefore, you should have the right to do anything in your power to put a stop to that including killing the person in question.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    this is a case about a racist prick, shooting to unarmed burglars who were breaking in to his neighbors house. he called 911 and said there are burglars next door i´m going to kill´em. how can you not put him in jail??

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