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Suggestions/Recommendations for a sewing machine?

What brands or models worked best for you? The ancient Singer machine that was left to me by my stepfather finally died and it's much too expensive to repair.

I'm an advanced beginner-intermediate skill level. I will be using the machine mainly for minor mending and making home decorating items, such as curtains, slipcovers and pillows.

Also I'd like to keep the price of the machine under $150.

Thanks for any help or suggestions

2 Answers

  • Kacky
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Any of the $100.00 SIngers or Brothers in the department stores, or even a Euro-Pro from QVC, will work fine and last many years. I recommend that you find one with a sole plate that pops off instead of having to un-screw, because you need to stick a paintbrush in there to clean out lint every time you change the bobbin. Also, don't neglect the yearly tune up and cleaning.


  • Donna
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I have a Bernina that I inherited from my mom but they are way too expensive. Walmart sells Brother which I have heard others on here recommend. Sears sells Kenmore which I personally know are an excellent machine.

    You should try a thrift store. Sometimes people just want to get rid of things that aren't used ,so take them and maybe all they need is a tune-up. Some sewing machine distributors sell second hand machines that are in good working order. Good luck!

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