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120X Carl Zeiss Sony Digital zoom Camera/Handycam. With a 1 GB memory, getting a memory error. What can I do ?
Have a 120X Carl Zeiss Sony Digital zoom Camera/Handycam. Bought a Memory stick MSX-M1GST.
It had a 8MB memory card that worked fine but as you can imagine, it doesn't hold many pictures with 8MB.
Will I be able to use this 1GB memory stick?
6 Answers
- HazydaveLv 61 decade agoFavorite Answer
There are dozens of Sony models with "120x" zoom, this would be easier for someone to answer with the camcorder's actual model number. That's usually found on the bottom of a Sony camcorder. Without a model number, it's hard to give you a definitive answer. But judging by the fact your camcorder came with only an 8MB Memory Stick, I suspect it's fairly old, or low cost (or both).
Sony has a bunch of variations of Memory Sticks, and they're not always compatible. The original Memory Stick, about the size of a thick stick of chewing gum, supported memory sizes up to 128MB. Some devices using this form factor don't support anything beyond that, others do, still others may, but only with a firmware update.
What you have, that 1GB card, is called a Memory Stick Pro Duo. The "Pro" designation indicates that this is the form of memory stick that can support sizes up to 32GB or so. The "Duo" designation indicates this is the reduced size memory stick, not the full size, though it certainly comes with an adaptor to allow it to fit full sized devices. All newer camcorders and cameras from Sony take the Pro Duo cards directly.
So, the indicator here is, what are you physically plugging in to the camera. If it takes the Duo card directly, it should be able to support the 1GB memory. Hopefully... Sony does actually keep "Duo" and "Pro" separate constraints, so smaller Duo cards that are not "Pro" exist, but any Sony product made to accept Duo cards was designed after the "Pro" specifications were out. Your problem could be a bad card, even possibly a weird format on the card. If you can, try it in another Memory Stick device and see if it works there.
If it takes the full sized memory stick, and you're using the Pro Duo card in an adapter, it's possible your camcorder doesn't support the "Pro" size memory sticks.
Source(s): Sony camcorder user for years, also look here: - Richard DLv 51 decade ago
Most older digital cameras have a memory limit on the card you can use. I know some maxed out at 512 meg. Even some of the newer cameras can max out a 4 gig or so. My bet is that the card you are using is too large for your camera. The manual should have a chart with the max memory size supported.
- anthony hLv 71 decade ago
What's the actual Sony model number? 120x is not a model number, but a reference to a 12x zoom with 10x digital zoom.
Due to Sony's confusing memory labels, where they call everything a memory stick, I can't tell you if your memory stick is compatible with your camera without a camera model number.
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- ?Lv 45 years ago
For the best answers, search on this site
The size in amount of 1 GB stands for 1 Gigabyte. 1 GB equals 1024 MB or 1024 Megabytes. 1 MB equals 1024 KB or 1024 Kilobytes. 1 KB equals 1024 bytes. 1 byte equals 8 bits, lol. In relative size, 1 byte is about the size of six to eight characters (e.g. letters, symbols, numerals). 1 KB is about the size of a word document that's about 8 sentences long. 1 MB is the size of a minute's worth of music. (Usually about the size of pictures that fit the screen.) 1 GB is the size of a regular USB (portable flash drive). It's pretty large in size. It can fit plenty of Music, Pictures, Documents etc. 1 TB (1024 MB equals 1 Terabyte) is the size suitable for a small company.
- TheCatLv 61 decade ago
Enter the model number of your camera in the following Sony webpage and it will tell you a list of compatible memory sticks.