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Looking for rebellious ideas?

I posted this earlier but didn't really get an direct answer because I think I posted too much background info. I'll cut that information, but you can read it here if you like:;_ylt=AvfA5...

What do you think of the following ideas to be rebellious to my parents?

1. Nip piercing

2. Tribal tattoo

3. Full beard

4. Smoke cigars (not often though, don't want to get addicted)

5. Wear black leather (though that might give them a clue hehe)

6. Shave head

7. Other ideas?


Yellowxls - I stopped going when I turned 18. I told my parents that as an adult it was time to find my own spiritual path. Then I ignored the yelling and just hid in my room until they cooled off XD. They gave up asking after a couple of Sundays.

3 Answers

  • Oberon
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was in the same situation when I was your age...I just colored my hair a lot and hung out with Goths....that was enough to shock and freak everyone out.....

    oh yea, piercing my belly button worked for the church folks..

    I think that it isn't really necessary to do this...but I know you need that outlet of expression...

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I did most of the above and then some... The difference was I was much younger than you when I did it... about 10-12...

    I was saved in a church service that I was drug into... And it was the best thing that ever happened to me... I was 16 then, and about to loose everything I had earned at that point... Maybe you should give it a shot, or find a church new and exciting enough to engage you

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Seriously? Don't look for ideas from other people on how to rebel properly.

    You said in your previous post that if you came out now, you would be kicked out. So, in essence you are rebelling against your true nature - you aren't being yourself.

    So if you shave your head do you think it will give you a bit of control in your relationship with your parents? Probably for one or two days, and then you'll be looking for something else.

    If you want some real rebellion though, don't go to church on Sunday. That'll show them...

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