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all the money spent on churches...?

would be better off spent on the third world.

the average church has had over £300,000 spent on it a year. thats enogh to feed three african villages for a decade.

the number of water taps is a better indication of health and happiness than the number of churches.

so my question is why: why all this money wasted on a being that nobody is sure even exists, when there is a worldfull of problems that need sorting out?


jim j: yes, we all do.


Update 2:


and here in the uk, we have "comic relif" and red nose day - the money goes to the third world. its bi-annually, non religious and on average raises about £30 million each time its on.

the flawed one is you.,

Update 3:

i love how the christinas are trying to make themselves look good of a fiver there church donated to oxfam, yet they dont mind spending millions on a dangerous and opression religion.

you all make me sick to the bone.

Update 4:

tinkly: you just dont get it.

25 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Your observation is SPOT ON!

    Organised 'religion' has become BIG business and BIG business needs a BIG office and lots of money to keep it going.

    I have seen 'clergy' arguing over the colour walls should be painted and how much money to use, while the poor they have committed themselves to look after starve to death on the doorsteps of the 'church.' (I live in Africa).

    I have also witnessed sincere Clergy doing everything they can to help others, but lacking the Wisdom of Christ (whom they claim to represent) their efforts are not as fruitful as they could be.

    The most IGNORED passage in the whole Bible is this:

    Ac 2:44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common;

    Ac 2:45 And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all [men], as every man had need.

    Jesus preaches that the Kingdom of God is here and now and a True Disciple does the same, but since 'the church' has become corrupted by the world, they can not preach the good news of the Kingdom of God as a present and living reality.

    If people would co-operate, we could transform this world into a paradise in a few short years, but selfishness, greed, fear, and stubborness stand in the way.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I ask myself that question all the time. I do not think that He would have liked to see people wasting so much money on buildings, since it is not that building that makes up the church, but the people. The building would just be a buiding if it were not for us. i think he would have gotten all the money that the church collected and given it to people or charities who actually needed it. The people who work for the church are just concentrating on getting money so they could repair something, while there are millions of people who sleep in the streets and/or go to bed with empty stomachs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Church's are places of solace to some people and a lot of charity and community service groups are run by the church like St Vincent De Paul, The Samaritans Purse etc so its not like they just keep all the money in a room in a church somewhere and laugh over how much they have

    They do put it to use

    but I understand how you could be angry over a country that is in need of help being ignored I know I am but I think your taking the anger out on some innocent people here

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the questioner raises some good points here though not all, I See a number of references to third world countries, there is no doubt of the plight of these people

    ,It does seem to me that monies raised for these unfortunate individuals is into the millions, over the past years,

    But every year, on year we are again being bombarded to give money to the sames areas, WHY, Where has the money gone previously given, many times,the question must now be asked of the organisers of these repeated requests, in asking for this continued support, do we have to understand that everyone, in their own country is well, and no-one is, in distress.??

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes there are alot of ppl that are hungry BUT Churches also help support missionaries which help those ppl to be fed and clothed.... my question for you is why is there sooo much $$ being wasted on cigarettes and alcohol when they are bad for you in the long run, instead of ruining your lungs and trying to drink away problems that are still going to be there... why not give that $$$ to third world countries... i am sure they have problems that could be solved with the $$ that ppl waste on drinks and cigarettes

  • 1 decade ago

    Its okay its not a churches fault its our societies fault Afrcian Americans don't really get help ,but I do know churches raise money to support Afrian Americans!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Because the bread from Heaven and the wine of the Holy Spirit is more valuable to the human race than mere mortal food....those who eat and drink of the Holy Spirit will never thirst or go hungry again. It is eternal.

    And you don't seriously think, that any money not spent on the building of churches would go to help the poor do you? It would go to the greedy of this world,,and the poor would still go your neighbor,,there are poor right here in America who need you. They may not have distended stomachs the way they do in a third world country, but they go to bed hungry at my question is,,,,"What are you doing to help?"

  • ;)
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Adam oh Adam - if you would only open your eyes young man...

    Do you know Cliff Richard - yeah the guy ppl laugh at in this country - do you know he tithes 10% of his earnings to the church - and has done since his salvation in 1966-67 - how much do you think this has been over the time he's been making millions? my local 'womens aglow' (church fellowship) donates money all over Eastern Europe, for women and children with no husband to support them - as God askes us to do in His word (help the widows and orphans) Another local church pastor visits Romania with clothes, money, shoe boxes with Christmas gifts - i have a friend in Belfast who leads a team of Christians to Uganda with play clothes and school uniforms for the children - they have also raised money to build a school - shall i go on? You will find in every town a local Catholic church working daily to help ppl in need - every type of need. Maybe you will see now there are many wonderful ppl in the world who work tirelessly to help others.

    Yes there are ppl who are greedy and only think of themselves - but God will deal with them in His own time.

    We can't worship God in a ruin - a place of worship has to be cared for and respected - we must take good care of God's house.

    Tearfund is a Christian org - commited soley to helping the poor. Can i ask how you contribute to making peoples lives better....

    Edit: what is it i've missed - explain it to me please - i really want to know what you mean

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think all the churches are bad, everytime I go near one the 666 on my head starts throbbing.

  • I♥U
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You are absolutely correct.

    How could anyone justify the gold leafed ceilings in churches and the popes gold threaded robes to a person dying of hunger in Africa.

    The true God DOES NOT need money , instead , MAN wants money , so they extort it and coerce it out of naive followers.


    For more Bible based info please feel free to email me.

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