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Ghostly experiences? Wanna share??

Have you ever had an experience that that you thought might involve a ghost, haunting, etc??

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I live in a house that I believe is haunted. ... and we also have found that it is more then one spirit. The house is over 100 years old, and has been both a single dwelling, convert to a duplex and then back to its present state of a single family home. many people have lived here, so there is a lot of history.

    One thing that happens is when there is the noise of foot steps on the stairs, coming from the ground floor to the landing.... but the foot step sounds stops at the landing. There is similar activity on the steps going from the ground floor to the basement, which are directly below. I have heard it 100's of times in the almost 12 years I have lived here. This seems to be a repetitive, time loop type thing, just noise and very innocuous.

    The other is much more capricous, and intrusive. this ghost seems to be female, and has breifly showed itself on a few occassions. A lady, in a dress from maybe the 40's or later,,,, dark hair, light skinned and rather complacent.

    At first she liked to move things .... or sneak up on you and stay very close, trying to scare us. She also move stuff or sometime she would steal things.... hiding them for periods of time. Then, either put them out where we found them, or some how would prompt me to look for something else, finding the stolen item in a place that it was total illogical for it to be..... I have not seen things move on their own, but they get moved with no one touching them.

    I speak to her, telling her that I live here now, and that if she wants something, tell me what it is... that I am not afraid of her, and she can stay if she behaves herself.

    Now days, she does not take things for any length of time, and seems to have less power, since we refuse to let her have power over us.

    But just to be sure we dont forget, sometimes there are loud unexplainable sounds, very erie and possibly frightening, but these are short lived and once done, just harmless noise.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have lived in my house for 16yrs and yes it is haunted. My family was visiting and we were watching TV, when a huge bright ball of light appeared at the bottom of my steps. We all saw it. One night my son in-law heard keys rattling downstairs. He thought someone was awake but found that we were all asleep. My granddaughter was spending the night with me when she woke me up in the middle of the night and said there was a old lady standing in front of my bedroom window. I didn't see anything. She also claims to have seen her in the barn. I was sitting on the side of my bed one night with my feet touching the floor when I felt little footsteps walk in front of me. Now that one kind of scared me. A medicine bottle came flying out of the medicine cabinet and landed in the trash can, which by the way is no where near the cabinet. Something is always happening around here. Last week I found my sugar canister turned upside down in the middle of my bathroom floor. The bathroom is on the first floor. We tried to de-bunk these happenings but we were unable to recreate the situation. We are not afraid of the ghost or spirits since no one has ever been hurt. Actually I find it amusing and fortunate to experience the different activity that has occurred. My family doesn't share that feeling LOL. These are only a few of my experience with ghost and I look forward to more.

    Source(s): personal experiences
  • 1 decade ago

    Every night a tangible but invisible spirit crawls into my bed next to me. It's weight pushes down on the bed springs and I can feel it pushing up against me. Sometimes it tries to crawl on top of me. Occasionally I can hear an unintelligible growling or chattering sound. Sometimes there is more than one of these spirits on my bed at a time. And one time There was a large 4-legged beast walking around on my bed. Only occasionally do they get aggressive. At which point I fight back. But mostly I just ignore them. Most of my research says that occurrences like this are generally demonic hauntings. I don't know why they are drawn to me but I seem to attract the attention of malicious spirits wherever I go. But I have my ways of dealing with them.

  • 5 years ago

    some everybody is merely no longer into all the occult issues. i've got self belief in all of that stuff and that i actual have had some reviews. One time i improve into near topersistent below this prepare bridge that improve into meant to be haunted (spoke of as Cody street Bridge) and that i observed a prepare easy. as quickly as I went below and got here returned around, there improve into NO prepare. That improve into unusual. At my final house unusual issues might additionally take place. There may well be shadows of persons on the wall and one time my outfits bog down lid lifted up and slammed close. i improve into residing house on my own. This one guy who claimed to be a Wiccan advised me that my house improve right into a portal for spirits. i'm no longer afraid of that style of stuff although that's barely unusual for those products to take place. My son has seen his deceased grandmother some circumstances. He has been quite terrified some circumstances because of the fact some unusual stuff has occurred. One time at my previous house he got here working into my room and advised me that he improve into laying on the floor interior the front room and felt a dogs sniff in his ear. no longer long after that, my buddy and that i've got been interior the eating room on the pc and heard a dogs bark in my room. We flew out of the residing house freaking out. i've got no pets and neither did my acquaintances. i comprehend some people will think of that i'm loopy while they study this, even though it is all genuine. i actual do no longer care what everybody else thinks, they weren't there so their opinion would not matter.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I lived in a apartment, where me and my wife was watching TV. We where sitting in the living room, when out the blue a piece of paper was knocked to the floor. When the paper landed a white figure appeared and zoomed throught the room to the kitchen. My wife said" did you see that", as I ran to investigate it.

    Source(s): Personal experiance
  • 1 decade ago

    Nope, haven't had an experience of that type.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ever? Try hourly with me.

    Source(s): Clairvoyant.
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