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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingNewborn & Baby · 1 decade ago

Who can we report the person stealing our children's pictures to?

Someone is stealing my son's pictures and posting them, asking people if he was ugly or not. While this is very childish, it is also insanity and I'm not having my son exploited like that. He's 5 months old. This is beyond out of control now. It's also going beyond someone harassing others on Answers. Who can we report their names to and can something be done??? I know this is happening to more than just me and it's really getting crazy. I'm sick of it and have set everything to private now because of that whoree.


As you can see from the person asking this question, it has also happened to her as well.

Update 2:

Oh my god she has my pic in her photobucket too!!!

Update 3:

Thank you Hokie for life!

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do, if the pictures are on the interent (if you are the original person who put them on the internet) once you post them (on any website like, MySpace, FaceBook, etc.) you are making them accessible to the public.

    [I think even the fine print on the websites warns that your photos will be accessible by anyone on the internet and by accepting the terms and conditions, to create an account, you are allowing people to download and save your photos]

    My husband is an Attorney and he does not allow our son's pictures anywhere on the Internet for that reason. That is why I don't have a MySpace or FaceBook account. You can NEVER, ever, be too cautious with your children's photos!

    I would suggest removing ALL photos of your son on ANY website you may have them on.

    Source(s): My default picture is an Anne Geddes christmas picture because my husband does not allow photo's of our son anywhere on the internet and the baby in the photo resembles our son. It was the only way to get a default picture of a baby in Christmas attire, without exploiting our son :]
  • liv t
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I didn't know all this was going on to, I saw some nasty questions and she was saying some weird crap to. I am sorry that happened to you though, my baby is 7 months and I would feel so terrible if someone used his picture that way. It's very upsetting that nothing has really been done about this troll. This is absolutely disgusting and I hope something happens so that she is not able to harass anyone again.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't worry too much. That woman attacked me a while back on one of her fake accounts and said, 'I'd think your daughter was stupid because she is formula fed, but since you breast feed, it must be stupid genetics'.

    I had to set my profile to private and hide my e-mail to prevent anymore hate mail.

    And from reading ALL these responses, it looks like it's happened to a lot of other women, so don't worry, she's not just targeting you. I'm sure she's not coming after ALL of us!:)

    She probably posted pictures of other people's babies earlier, but since you didn't recognize the baby, you wouldn't think anything of it.

    Misery loves company. Don't let this woman get to you.

    She obviously has nothing better to do than try and make all of us as miserable as her.

    I have a myspace page and I dare her to come take pictures of my daughter.

    Knowing her sick ways, she might take my daughters picture and claim it's her daughter!

    If she is putting down the looks of another mothers child, it is only showing the insecurities she has in her own child's appearance.

    Don't worry about her, I'm sure you are just one of many that she has harassed.

    Your son is very cute by the way. Don't listen to that woman.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    OMG... I haven't been in this section for the past week or so, so I missed this whole picture drama. The week before that, though, she had quieted down a bit and wasn't making as many new accounts, so I was hoping she'd gone away. But I guess not.

    I don't know all the details about it, b that is HORRIBLE that she would steal pictures... that's BEYOND stalker level. That's OBSESSIVE. Really, that is sick... totally sick. She is crazy.

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  • 5 years ago

    facebook is often risky and that's the reason i'm against it. i assume she took a threat posting you as a buddy and can be clever to get rid of you. i might hate to have a buddy try this, and what is going to end you from doing different varieties of photograph subs. She are able to sue you if she is endangered by potential of your posting, i.e., threatened or assaulted. basically yet one greater reason to keep away from my area and facebook. i don't have a robust answer, you shall see. good searching!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not familiar with the trolling going on but you can click the report beside the troublesome posts and in additional information I would add any and all evidence you have of the trolling that is going on. Also as far as her putting up pictures that belong to you on her photobucket you can actually respond to photobucket TOS violations/harrassment by going here and issue a report.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am sorry for this inconvenience of yours I would turn this user in on the website she has a account on try taking all the pictures OFF of the accounts then at a later date out them back on if you know the person as in personally and not just off the internet take this to the police because it isnt right for a person to do that at all again i am sorry... If i were as mad as u i would call her many other names...

    hope you can fix this!!!

  • Katy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Hi, Im sorry to hear about this, however i am not aware of who it is that is doing these things, i was going to look back to past questions and answers you all have had but they are all private, understandably so. anyways I just wanted to know who this was so i can watch out for her and also how to set my profile to private also. Thanks. I think if you choose to put your picture or your kids photos out there that is fine but it suck that somone has to be so dumb as to do these things but it does make you think of all the people who can see those photos and what they can do with them. Makes me think twice about my own myspace act! Thanks ladies! any help is apreciated

  • ..
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I've emailed Yahoo, numerous times, including a little bit ago when she posted Jackson's picture and Deborah's picture. It doesn't help though. She keeps at it. It's one thing for you to post your sons picture, but for her to steal it and post it, especially ina question like that is psycho.

    By the way, your son is absolutely adorable! I'm sorry you had to take the picture down, because of the troll. She called me fat and ugly in an email earlier. She also likes to post that my husband begs to be deployed to Iraq. *sigh* She even imitated me there for a bit last week, but she hasn't stolen my sons picture like she did yours.

  • 1 decade ago

    copy and paste everything in an email, addresses to questions, questions itself, answers, and the profile address.

    And keep emailing them, they get very busy at times, but they get to most things eventually.


    Just the fact that some one (probably the person who is doing the trolling) thumbed this down only shows that this person knows that he/she is wrong. I dont know who this person is referring to, only that I went through something similiar VERY recently in this category. And if I can give a bit of advice to help aleviate this persons problem then I will.

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