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What do you do prepare for a winter storm?

What do get or prepare yourself if your area getting hit by a winter storm My area is under a winter storm watch that bring 5 inchs of know or more. Do you prepare incase anything happens. I here with my twon boys that five year old and three. I was just wondering..

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    if i know in advance i get a few groceries and fill the tank with gas so that the tank doesnt' freeze. rent a few movies/games and enjoy.

    the road crews usually get things going pretty fast so i know it won't be all that long before the roads are passable.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have an extra supply of water in the house in case the electricity goes off because I have a well and pump. I make sure that I have some source of heat in the house - you can buy the little "cans" of fuel and the stove at a hardware store. I have candles, matches, flashlights, a battery radio, food that doesn't require much cooking - instant soups, hot chocolate, bread, peanut butter, cheese, drinks. With young kids I would make sure I was prepared with games, books, extra blankets and maybe an air mattress in case we had to "camp out" in one room. I hope these thoughts help.

    PS Eighteen inches of snow fell here last night.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Make sure you have a way to heat your home w/ out electricity. Be prepared to spend time w/ out electricity. If you have a well, that means stock up on water, fill some containers, maybe a bathtub. Are you in a major city?

    Make sure you have enough food and water for a few days. Pull out your favorite books (or your kids) or get a few new ones. Get hot chocolate to keep morale up, and don't forget to keep a positive attitude!

    5inches isn't too bad though... so you might want to get a sled!

  • 5 years ago

    Do your shopping/errands ahead of time. Make sure you stock up on essentials: Food, Water, Toilet Paper, Salt, A snow shovel (if you don't have one), flashlight, matches Make sure you have all your cell phones charged prior to the storm (in case power goes out) Do not travel at all until this storm passes.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    *Looks outside* Well, There's about 4-6 inches outside right now, and it's still snowing.

    I just make sure I have bottled water in case the power goes out (if you don't have a well, don't worry about this) Some flash lights and any basics you need for food (stuff that can be prepared without electricity)

    Make sure to have a shovel, car brush and ice melting stuff!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    we make sure there is enough hot chocolate, chili with cheese, onions and crackers and sandwich makings to get through the storm. We make sure the chains are in the SUV with a full tank of gas. We have an inner tube blown up to ride down the hill. Then we just wait it out.

  • 1 decade ago

    Make sure you leave a bag of salt and shovel on your porch or in the basement if you live inside a house.

    Make sure you've got some flashlights and batteries in case of a power failure.

    Make sure you've paid your cable bill in case you get stuck inside for days on end. LOL!

    ......oh yeah and at least a week's supply of milk and cereal.

    I hate having to pop out to a corner store by foot.

  • Kev L
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Hit the grocery store for a few goodies,buy a case of Sam Adams,and make sure there are plenty of logs for the fireplace.

  • beez
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Get groceries in the house, along with candles and drinking water.

  • 1 decade ago

    Be sure you have plenty of water, matches, canned goods, candles, batteries, and warm clothing.......if you have a battery operated radio.....make sure its sure your cell phone (if you have one) is charged up totally....have lots of wood handy if you have a fireplace...Good luck....and stay warm.....bring in your animals too.....they wont do well out in a bad storm....

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