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Anonymous asked in Arts & HumanitiesHistory · 1 decade ago

Yahoo answers seems fairly prejuidiced. Always politically correct.?

My question about a possible 9/11 came straight out of Newsmax on line. I don't even want that super consertative rag. It keeps popping up on my E-mail. It seems to exist to spread fear in the interest of the rich elite. But I would like to describe exactly what my question asked. I asked how many Americans want to live in constant fear waiting for the next group of Muslim fanatics to try again? I did not advocate mass murder or genocide of the entire Muslim world. I got accused of that in answer after answer. I would like to state this clearly. Wars are won by doing what has to be done to win them. They are won by concentration of force. A few mass murders who advocated that...Oliver Cromwell, Napoleon, the Duke of Wellington, Lee, Grant, Sherman, Nathan Bedford Forrest, Patton.....


The way to stop another 9/11 is to take the war to the other side. And do it effectively, not running around in trucks and Hum Vees and providing targets. I don,t even like the concept of "Hillbilly" armor. All it does is trap and concentrate the force of an explosion inside a vehicle. Which in turn instensifies it on the people inside. If it were up to me they would be stripped down and every kind of automatic weapon that can be hung on them put there instead. You don't win hiding. You win by putting the other side in a world of hurt. Particularly I dislike seeing these jerks made into heroes on TV running around in scarfs with RPGs. No Toyata truck ever made would stop a big .50, the old Browning will turn any mini truck, RPG, and everyone inside it into burning junk!

Update 2:

We are being threatened constantly with nuclear attack and Biolgical weapons. By a bunch of religious fanatics who couldn't even equeal Hiromsha. I am just saying that they get a solid promise of even one attempt... they get a lot more than Hiroshima.

Update 3:

I am not saying we do it first.... I am just saying we make it abudantly clear what happens if they do. I never supported going back to Iraq. I wanted to focus everything we had on Afastigian and all Taliban and Al Queada supporters. I also never wanted this enemy combatant stuff. Your eithier in a uniform in support of a legimate government or you have no rights under the laws of war......

Update 4:

One jerk on my other post said "watch what you say or we will deport you", tell me how exactly do we deport someone whose family has benn here 300-350 years on both sides? And fought in every American war? Another quoted the Koran to me about it being a religious duty and right to kill unbelievers. The majority of Muslims don't believe that....the ones that do are welcome to try as long as they realize it happens back.....Koran is fine. So is the fact that good old WEstern Europe defense of your family, clan, and land against any ivader by any means is as well....

Update 5:

I fought in Vietnam for two years with the 101st. I was disabled out, enrolled in Austin Peay State University, took a walk downtown just to see the world again and smell Tennessee in fall. These two redneck drunks decided I was a "hippie" because of my old bell bottoms. They wanted to fight, so I got my back into an old door frame where they could get behind me. I beat the h--- out of them. Clarksville police showed up and sorted it out. They told me not to be such a hot head. I still wasn't old enough to buy a legal beer. And by concidence the door I got my back into was the one Jimi Hendrix bought his pawn shop guitar. I don't like easy heros....

Update 6:

My old question which was deleted. One person said it was folks like me caused the whole problem. One said the Koran said it was OK to kill unbelievers like me. Two said I was a murderer supporting Genocide. On, and on. Before it was deleted. Why is it fine for people to threatend to carry a suitcase neuclear bomb into the US? Poision our water or air with bioligical agents, and never get deleted or reported? If I tell them if they do we will retilate worse, I am the bad guy? Fact is I am not a racist. I don't care what color anyone is if they are decent to me I am back. I like my religion and go to church to worship peacefully. Relaxes me and works for me. I don't care if someone wlse picks a rock or dead bird out of the road and worships it. Not as long as they leave me alone. What makes me see red is if they attack me, my country, my people when we are not doing anything but minding our own buisness and going to work. That does make me angry.

Update 7:

So report me now and delete it. No one has the right to constantly blame us for everything wrong with the world. Muslims should blame their own fanatics and get rid of them. They say they are twenty million of them, that is plenty to get rid of less than a million fantical animals in various groups. Why don't they do it and seriously try to live in peace with theor nieghbors?

Update 8:

And "History Writer" I am not against the war. I am against the tactics, because the ones we are using won't win!

Update 9:

And Sprouts mom, todays paper just said we should shift troops from Iraq to Afastighaian. I have said focus on there and stay out of Iraq since 2002. While I agree the fanatics have perveted Islam, we are still at war with them. What irrates me is the constant sound bytes and follow the leader attitude exhibited by some partcipants. They report any question they don't like, its deleted. But Ive seen the same people call others all types of personal names.

Update 10:

History Master's degree, Psycholgyhly B/A, engineering technical AAS, AAS in aircraft maintaince technolgy, Years of experience in Defence Aviation work. Nearly always right like you according to the news later. And sick of sound bytes! Or whats cool!

15 Answers

  • NC
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Americans who are worried "about the next group of Muslim fanatics to try again" really need to find better things to worry about. 9/11 happened once and killed 3,000 Americans (and about 3,400 non-Americans), but 40,000 Americans die every year in traffic accidents and 100,000, from preventable mistakes made by healthcare professionals. Your car and your local hospital are much more likely to kill you than any Muslim fanatic...

    Also, why are these nameless Americans worried about "the next group of Muslim fanatics," rather than about the next Timothy McVeigh or the next Unabomber? Or the next Weather Underground, or the emergence of Red Brigades-like organizations in the U.S.? Or the next school shooting, or the next Jonestown massacre?

    But more importantly, I think you are making a big mistake when you equate terrorism with war. Wars are fought by governments using conventional armed forces; terrorism is an overwhelmingly private affair. Terrorism is not warfare, it's crime, and it ought to be dealt with as such -- through prevention and law enforcement. You wouldn't fight a war to end, say, child abuse or senior abuse, so why are you so eager to fight one to end terrorism?

    What we know about terrorism and other, less extreme, forms of disenfranchisement seems to suggest that people who join terrorist organizations (and other groups of misfits, such as cults) have serious alienation problems, usually stemming from suffering parental neglect between ages two and six. When you take this into account, it should be obvious that a war can only increase the pool of potential terrorists...

  • 1 decade ago

    I didn't see your original question - but I would posit that this is not a WAR - this is a bunch of criminals who are using a basically benevolent, loving religion to "justify" common murder. (I'm not Muslim either.)

    Yahoo Answers is so all over the map that I find what is, and what is not, acceptable incomprehensible. I think it depends on who is trolling the answers and what THEIR personal opinions might be.

    Everyone in this Country is entitled to their opinion - except for the infamous "shouting 'fire' in a crowded theater."

    Let's all be a little more accepting of other's points of view...

    i.e. most Southerners think Sherman was a criminal - if you know the actual history - you know he did what he had to do to win the War more quickly, thereby saving MORE lives, primarily SOUTHERN lives.

    In that vein, true Nazis were (are) criminals. German soldiers were soldiers. They bombed London - we bombed Dresden and Tokyo. This is MY opinion. Now report me, too... I'll be in good company.

    I have to agree with you!! Sending troops (back) to Afghanistan is probably the right thing to do. That's where the "bad guys" are. The only problem with this is if we go there - they'll hide until we leave and then return and torture the people again.

    We also need Pakistan to do something. We're so g.d. afraid of p'ing them off 'cause they have Nukes that we don't insist on them doing anything!

    We DO need to get out of Iraq. Enough, already. If they want to kill each other - let 'em.

    I think I'm becoming a true isolationist - if that's even possible in today's world...

    I also think I have my own little personal "Hate Group." Seems as if every time I post an answer - I RARELY ask a question - I get thumbs down and, often, the language would make Patton blush. Funny thing is - I know I'm almost always right - and if I'm wrong and someone calls me on it - I'm the first to admit it. I don't hand out "thumbs down" just for the hell of it, nor do I report all the a**holes who post insulting, ridiculous questions and/or answers. Maybe I should start.

    Source(s): History teacher - Historian - Lawyer - Daughter of the American Revolution - Assoc. Member 34th Bomb Group - U.S.A.A.F. -- Dies Irae...
  • 1 decade ago

    You asked a provocative question (see the reasons why it was provocotive below). Either you did it because you were ignorant about how provocative it was or you did it because you wanted to provoke people. If you were intentionally provocative you got what you wanted. If not, be prepared to be educated on why.

    People are a bit touchy about this subject because it is such a small proportion of the Muslim world who are jihadi fanatics yet many in the West assume that it's _all_ muslims. I can't tell you how many ignoramuses I've met who've taken that position (they are the type of people who would ask that question and who would advocate getting rid of all Muslims).

    If you're a Christian perhaps you can understand it better using this analogy. It's similar to how people assume that all Christians can be represented by Fundamentalists. (Not true). It's just because that small proportion are so much louder.

    After 9/11 many people of middle eastern appearance were beaten and, less dramatically, just treated really badly. At the time, my husband had a friend of Indian descent working in NY and he was terrified for him. People weren't even remotely educated not only about Islam but about who is Muslim. Many Sikh's were attacked because they wore turbans!

    Next time you are going to post a question like that, if you are not intending to provoke people or to present yourself as a bigot, you really should put a little backstory into it. Like so: "I received an email that seemed to imply that Americans are living in constant fear waiting for the next group of Muslim fanatics to try again. Do you believe that this is true? Why or why not? It seemed to be fear-mongering to me, but I'm interested in your opinions."

    Sorry if I seemed too touchy, but I am very afraid of how the fear-mongering uber-conservatives seem to be convincing people who don't know better that all Muslims are terrorists. (I'm not Muslim myself BTW, but this type of persecution has led to no good historically speaking. I'm not looking forward to what the world will be like if it really catches hold.)

  • 5 years ago

    By no means always "politically correct" - some answers show great bias towards extremism of many sorts. Young? Soon I will become 69 years old. Like everyone else answering, I simply have an hour or two to waste, so like to see what people are thinking about.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Questions are answered by real people, "volunteers" like me who have an hour or two to waste! So our individual answers come from our minds which have been formed by our experiences in life, and possibly by our studies.

    I try to be fair when thinking about "general" questions, but inevitably my ways of thinking do not always coincide with those of other people. And I do see some answers that are from serious nutters, with "prejudice" (in various directions) tattooed all over them!

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you, yet I still like Patton. He was NOT PC, and I respect that.

    The truth is that we have to learn to live in fear of terrorism, and there is nothing we can do to change this, except encourage a dialog with the Middle East, and stop our Imperialist tyranny on the rest of the world. We lived with the fear of an atomic bomb from Russia for years. It is childish to believe that you are ever perfectly safe, or that you ever can be. Destroying one man or one country is futile...but I still support the soldiers!!!! Why does being against the war automatically make you against the soldiers? Neo-McCarthyism.

    Source(s): An IQ in the top 99th percentile.
  • .....
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yea a hear ya, its really annoying. But I just dont care, let the idiots say what they want. They obviously arent looking deeper, so screw' em. I asked a question about a muslim girl who got murdered by her father for not wearing a hijab and thy all freaked saying thats not why he killed her and attacking me basically. I dont believe in political correctness and im not going to censor myself for the sensitive that take too much to heart

  • 1 decade ago

    There are too many people on here that jump to conclusions and they don't realize that some of these questions are sincere and not meant to start a fight. I understand what you're saying completely.

  • 1 decade ago

    Asking if people "want to live" in fear could easily invoke strong feelings. I can see how people could read into that more than you intended.

  • Frosty
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It is the individual who responds and they are entitled to their opinions, even if you don't agree with them. Some people do not have tolerance for others and their beliefs.

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