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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

Who gave you the best Christmas gift you have ever gotten ?

Who gave you the best Christmas gift you have ever gotten ?

37 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This lady I met that worked at a 7-11 many years ago. We went out after her work, and hum-hum-hum for several hours. We made up a story about looking for some friend, and she went home.

    Then I was stuck because my car woundn't start, and as I'm working on it, her husband drives up. He asked a lot of questions, but me - the eternal choirboy - just looked him right in the eye and maintained the story.

    He knew, just knew, that there was some hum-hum-hum going on, but he couldn't do anything about it, so he just snorted in disgust and drove home.

    And THAT was the best Christmas present I ever got....

    Is that what you were asking?

    P.S. Oh, did I say I was23 and she was 45?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I got my best ever present when i was in prison, I was really screwed up at the time, going through a rough patch, I had a close friend in there, although i got her a present, (From the prison shop) I didnt expect one back as she had no money, But christmas morning she came into my cell and give me a present wrapped up in toilet paper (Clean) and when i opened it, she had painted me a picture, she had spent ages on it and used coffee powder and water, it was really good it had a sepia effect. It must have took a lot of effort because she had nothing in her cell, so i dont know where she got the hard board (the stuff she'd painted it on) from as she was on punishment at the time. and for her to find an alternative to paint, was amazing. It really meant so much to me in there. Christmas out here is just too comercialised. In there things actually mean something when you recieve a present.

  • 1 decade ago

    The most exciting Christmas gift I can think of right now was from a friend of my father's (who is also my elder brother's godfather). One year when we were little, he gave my brothers and me £100 each! It doesn't seem so amazing now....but it felt like a lot of money in those days....probably partly because we were a LOT younger than we are now....I think this was about 20 years ago....or maybe even longer.

    I am lucky to have been given many great things over the years.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    . Hi Dad, WOW.! This is Gonna Sound, Pathetic... But, I Honestly Can Not Recall Any Gift in Particular.! For Good Reason Though... We Were Quite Poor Growing Up, SO.. To Make Up For It.. My "Dad", Would Cash-in On, All Vacation Pay, Savings Bonds, & His Money Jar (all coins) -AND- Simply Smoother Me & My 2 Younger Sisters, w/ Every Toy We Wanted & Didn't.! So... Our lil'brains Would Go Into Sensory Over-Load..!! (But this is when I was "Little", little...! -But- I Do Recall Being 13 years old... AND, My Daddy Gifted Me w/ A 13in. "Color" T.V. Set, For My Bedroom..!! Back Then... THAT, Was A Very Big Deal, For 2 Reasons. 1. A T.V. In A Child's Bedroom..!? "Unheard Of".!! 2. 2 T.V.'s In 1 Home ..!? Well, Not On My Street.. If, I May Add, My Most Favorite "Gift Giving"... Was A Note, I Gave To My Dad, in '98, {His, Very Last Christmas}, Thanking Him, For Being A Wonderful, Dad.! Take Care.! & Many Thanks To You.! Lillsoma __________ ~_~. . . * Star For You.!*

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  • 1 decade ago

    My Mom had been quite ill and it was suspected that she had stomach cancer. After all the tests were in, and the X rays, her Doctor came in and said: " Mom is going to be just fine, She has a lipoma, which is a fatty tumor, and it will never kill her, nor will she need an operation". It was the best Christmas present I ever received.

  • 1 decade ago

    My son, spa certificate, I get a massage when ever I fly out of town @ the airport (Oxygen spa), so when my son sent me the gift certificate for the spa I was in seventh heaven, a lady need a spa day every month.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    God gave me the gift of sobriety 4 years ago!

  • 1 decade ago

    My parents. No matter what circumstances they were facing, they always gave me what I wanted + more for Christmas.

  • 1 decade ago

    My dad gave me Sony Ericsson K530i mobile phone.

    I love it!

  • 1 decade ago

    Still waiting: For my Shiny Red Corvette!!!

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