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Anonymous asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 1 decade ago

Please make an acronym for C.H.A.D.???

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Chlymidea. Herpes. Acne. Diaherrea.

    Charming. Handsome. And. Debonaire.

    Canadian Ham Arrives Decomposing

    Clinical Hash Arouses Dissent

    Clean Homes Agitate Dads

    Climate Harmed Alarming to Democrats

    Children Happily Are Dancing

    Chapped Hands And Dick

  • 1 decade ago

    Completely Helpless Adult Dentist

    Carlos' Helpful Announcement of Doom

    Completely Huggable American Daschund

    Charles's Hopeful Aunt Delia

    Charlies' Hilarious Angels' Daycare

    Couples Hiring A Despot - (Nanny service, I imagine)

    Columbia's Hired Archeologist's Dig

    Cups Heaved At Dionysius

    Cut, Hacked And Dismembered - a personal favorite

    Cellos: Hewn And Dumped - for music lovers everywhere

    Children, Have A Dreidel - holiday

    Cannot Hammer Any Dummy

    Source(s): Thanks! This was fun. ;)
  • 1 decade ago

    Crazy Horses Ate Donuts

  • 1 decade ago

    Crazy Haters Answer Diligently

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  • 1 decade ago

    Cool Headstrong And Dopeless

  • 1 decade ago

    Crazy, Hotheaded, Angry, and Depressed

    ("and" doesn't really count in the one above)

    Calling Harry And Dad

    Cats Have A Day

    Corn Hate A Door

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I've got a ton of AC/DC ones: * Angus Young promotes pedophilia by wearing a school boy's uniform on stage. * The song Night Prowler is responsible for turning Richard Ramirez into a serial rapist and murderer (I've also heard people say it was Hells Bells). * AC/DC stands for "Attack Christians/Destroy Christians". * The U.S. Army used AC/DC's music as "psychological torture" to drive Manuel Noriega out of the Vatican Embassy and into prison. * During the American invasion of Panama in 1989, troops blasted AC/DC's "Highway to Hell" in order to drive Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega from the Vatican embassy where he had taken refuge (a tactic also used by the FBI at Waco). A few general music ones: * Marilyn Mason is responsible for the Columbine massacre. * The devil horns people pull are actually praising Satan. I remember watching this video of some lady pulling the sign and being like "oh, you can see a 6 here, a 6 here and another 6 here." * The origin of rock music goes to the blacks of the deep south, and from there can be traced directly to Africa where it was used to incite warriors into violent frenzy. * Madonna worships Satan because she said "You're the devil in disguise. That's why I'm singing this song" in Beautiful Stranger.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Cold Hearted And Disillusioned.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago





  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago





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