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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · 1 decade ago

Okay, I’m going through stupid stuff right now & read when you like reading reality drama-ish stories! HELP!!!

If you hate reading then don’t read! It’s long.

Alright, I’m pretty sick & tired of this now. This has been going on for months & a few months back in 7th grade. Ok, there’s this popular, good looking jock who goes to my school & he came to my school ever since 7th grade. Just in a couple of weeks or days, he turned popular in a SNAP! Wowie, right? He’s good looking anyway with pretty, silky blonde hair [sorta brown too]. Anyway, I didn’t like him for the first half of the year in 7th grade because I thought I thought he looked like an ugly turtle with a big bobble head, although he was really nice [now, we barely talk; we don’t have any classes together this year! Thank god.] All the girls liked him, some still do b/c they’ve never met their [experience] boyfriend yet. No, I’m not going to tell you what his name is because he might pop out of nowhere & answer this question & might think this is about him. I don’t know his email though [just one of my what if’s]. Then we had the same class together in Art & he used to sit at my table until he moved because he talked too much. After a couple weeks later, I’ve got this feeling that he liked me because he started to have a staring problem! I do not like it when just one specific person stares at me for over like 10 seconds for no reason or not, it’s annoying. Yea, I may sound like an easily annoyed person but I’m not. That’s when I started to avoid him & tried to get his eyes off me. Then days passed by, he started complimenting my art works like crazy. That’s when I started falling for him because he was really nice & he started to look really cute ever since even though he looks the same. Ya know what I mean? One time, he swifted his shaggy hair & I melted right on the spot because he just looked sooo cute like that! Okay, when art class was over & I was skipping down the hallway & he was right there by the corner & I saw his hands sweating & he just standed there & looked like he was waiting for me to come by him. So when I was skipping almost passing by him, I heard him say “Wanna go out?” but I was speechless so I didn’t stop & pretended I didn’t hear anything, didn’t even look at him one bit & he was deffinently sounded like talking to me & I saw him looking at my direction. Right after I passed him, he said “FINE THEN!” with an attitude. I was all excited at lunch time & told all my friends & a few ppl who swore they wouldn’t say anything because I react to everything & I was being stupid! I always thought nobody would like me. Then one time, this girl found out that I didn’t get along with this girl & then she told her that his nickname was Brad & that I had a crush on him & told her that I said he asked me out but by that time, he didn’t like me nomore. & during those days when he liked me, he flipped my artwork just by the time I got back to the table & it wrote “I love Brad!”. He gasped & got shocked & started teasing me all about it & he thought that still I didn’t think he liked me that time but it was obvious. Couple days later, he asked me why did I lie & tell ppl that he asked me out. I said “I didn’t” because I was sorta scared. We ended the conversation by him giving me a harsh attitude but he’s not a person with a bad personality. Everyone likes him & his nice as an overall. Monthes later, I got a feeling that he liked me again because he started having a staring problem again. Then summer break started & school started this September. He started going out with this popular mean, snobby girl who used to drool over him. He used to have a staring problem until like 2 days ago & I’m not used to that. I liked the attention. I think I look different everyday…I don’t mean the clothes, hair, & accessories but my face. I think I sometimes look ugly & sometimes good but everyone says I look the same [face] everyday but I think the guy I like can see the same point of view as me. So he basicly stares at me most of the time but sometimes, he acts like I’m not even there & I pretend I don’t like him & don’t pay any attention to him at all because if his girlfriend finds out, she’ll toast me alive because she’s like of the MAJOR Queen Bees. The only reason I wake up everyday 20 minutes early in the morning is because of him, just to look prettier than pretty. I’m sick & tired of this now. He’s going on & off on & off, no confusing. I think I should end all this crap NOW!!!! So help? Anyone?

12 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You shouldn't feel like you need to impress him. He sounds like a goof. If he really liked you, he wouldn't be dating that Queen Bee. I wouldn't suggest getting in the middle of their relationship. If you want to be his friend, that's fine, but try not to cause a bunch of drama for yourself over a silly boy who, I promise, will not be worth it in the long run. If they break up, and you find you like him, get to know him a little bit before jumping in to relationship.

  • 5 years ago

    Ahh it feels good to let stuff out, this is actually a great question! I always expect the best in people, and i see them I guess how i want to see them. If i like the person i am suddenly blinded and cant see any of their imperfections. Which is a bad thing, because when you like everybody and you care that much when they hurt you it hurts alot deeper, because i guess you never saw it coming and you expected better from them. They meant something to you and you only assumed you meant something to them also. I have been stabbed in the back from people i thought i trusted more than anybody in the world, yet i still manage to make the same stupid mistake of trusting people again. Favorite Quote: "Like everyone, trust no one" hmm, i wrote down sooo muchhhh, this is just one paragraph, the other stuff was a bit too personal. but typing it all down like that felt real good, thanks for ths question!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Drop it all and go on with your school life! You are young, and its not like your going to marry him! So stop waisting your time with him. Look at things in the long run. What your doing is pointless! One day you will find a guy who wants you and only you and he will not lead you on all the time or just stare you down, that's immature.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you should just move on, It's just Jr. High/Highschool drama.

    He's 1 guy, don't worry about him, Just be your self, if he's going on and off on and off then I'd say he has issues and has no clue what he wants.

    Let him go out with the snobby girl, If it works out between them two, then alas to them, There is WAY more guys out in the world than just him.

    You said it yourself, you didn't like him in the beginning, I think you just started falling for him because he was showing you attention/complimenting your art work/talking to you/etc..

    I'd say you just liked the attention, and all you are feeling is lust towards him.

    Just my two cents, hope it helps. Need to talk more just shoot me a message. :)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Find yourself another guy. Who doesnt have a staring problem. If he is wasting your time this much, then he isnt worth any of your time and attention...find someone who appreciates the extra time you put in in the mornings to look nice :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I actually read all that and I have no idea what to say.

    if you see him staring at you then stare back or tell him to take a picture or something.

    he sounds like he's not worth all this extra effort because he can't even make up his mind so don't even worry about him and his snobby gf.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't waste your time at all getting ready for school, and going out of your way for someone who isn't your friend or boyfriend. you'll look back and regret all the time you wasted. just go on and do your normal thing and if it's meant to happen, it will happen. stop wasting your time!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're dealing with all this lame-*** drama over a guy? Come on now. Get over him. He's too indecisive and you're trying too hard.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is long. haha, but you should call him on the phone so you know no one else is aroung and tell him how you feel. It is sooo much esier on the phone!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    ask him to hang out if he says no then forget about him you are to go to be waiting for him .

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