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TYE DYING: i need to find SYNTHRAPOL SP with in the next day.?

what local stores in my area would have it, middletown ny 10940? i cant order it online because mailing would take to long and its a christmas related disaster. also about how much would it cost?

4 Answers

  • Kacky
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Look in your local yellow pages for specialty quilting shops, textile artists, fiber artists, anyone who might have some on hand that they would sell to you. Expect to pay $5.00 for 16 ounces.

    I notice that Dharma Trading now has a new brand of their own, so don't be surprised if someone offers you an alternative that will still do what you want it to do.



  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    TYE DYING: i need to find SYNTHRAPOL SP with in the next day.?

    what local stores in my area would have it, middletown ny 10940? i cant order it online because mailing would take to long and its a christmas related disaster. also about how much would it cost?

    Source(s): tye dying find synthrapol sp day:
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most quilt shops carry it. You can expect to pay about $8 for a 16 oz jar.

    If you can't find it, buy some Dawn dishwashing detergent in the original, blue color. It's a reasonable substitute.

  • 1 decade ago

    $ 6 for 16 oz.

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