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john m
Lv 4
john m asked in SportsFootball (American) · 1 decade ago

NFL...WHICH team is the bigger choke artists,,,,,CLEVELAND, GREEN BAY or the GIANTS?

How embarassing to be a fan of these teams.

17 Answers

  • Reese
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    who ever your team is....

    It's only half time. Any of those team can make a comeback in the 2nd half. Don't speak so soon.

  • JLD
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Regardless of what cleveland do the rest of season, they should be proud because they shocked a lot of teams because they're actually good this year.

    Giants, are leading currently and they're an inconsistent team, especially Eli. They do well in the beginning of the season and finish poorly at the end. So nothing suprising.

    Packers, well clearly the better team but there losing currently. That's a shocker, everyone expected them to put 41-0 on the Bears. In addition Favre is currently playing poorly while Grant is playing great.

    The team that is a let down or choking, whatever ya prefer, should be Packers.

    Well I'm just generalizing ohiolone, a lot of Packer fans predicts scores that are basically a blowout. Right now it seems like the other way around.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I feel sorry for Derek Anderson, who has had a solid season, though he has shown signs recently of the poor field management that had him as low as third string late in pre-season.

    Area sports talk shows have been swamped with callers on what will be done in the off-season (to the point where a couple hosts said the QB "controversy" will only be discussed after the season) and this poor first half will be magnified one-thousand-fold, no matter if the Browns pull a second-half miracle.

    I can already hear fans yelling for Brady Quinn for the final game versus the 49ers.

  • 5 years ago

    even nevertheless i'm a Steelers fan i think of that the eco-friendly Bay Packers could desire to be seen the final NFL team of ALL TIME. some Steelers and Cowboys followers have a tendency to throw their great Bowl jewelry in others faces, yet completly forget approximately eco-friendly Bay's championships. do no longer forget the Browns have 8 NFL championships to the Steelers 6, yet some Steelers followers forget that and rub it in Browns followers faces. So definite. eco-friendly Bay could desire to be the real "united states of america of america's team". have exciting coping with the Cowboys bandwagoners with this question.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Giants. They always start out very well in the first half and stumble in the second half. Their playoff performances are even worse.

    The Giants (once down 14-0 to Buffalo today) are finally starting to wake up. About time, but they won't beat NE next week so they'd better hold on.

  • 1 decade ago

    hate to say this you eitheir your a cowboy fan or on crack or both ............the packers is a good team when it comes to adjustments in the half apperently you havent watch them too much this year even better yet you must be on crack and a cowboy fan OR BUCCANEERS OR ONE OF LAME WILD CARD TEAMS I SEE WHO IS GOING TO CHOKE OVER ALL IS THE VIKINGS lay off the crack not worried about the packs they have too much talent to loose this game i have seen them behind this year second half come out exploding on the other team cant believe you put packs in this question GO PACKS GO

    i am surprise farve is playing poorly but then its only the first half what matters when the game is over is a win i was right on one thing grant is having a great day i am shock at the stats on the passing and recieving of the packers thats the only surprises me so far other then that they are playing good defense running game is going very well farve and recievers and get the te's in the game spread it out more thats only problem i see now come on GO PACKS GO

    not all packs fans say 41-0 i would say 34-17 packs win 41-0 is carry it too far and packs can rack up pionts from now to fourth quarter no i might be right still not everyone count chickens before they hatch

  • 1 decade ago

    giants. cleveland has sucked in recent years so they really havent had a chance to choke. the giants, however, collapse every season in the second half. i think they are 3-3 goin on 3-4 in the second half this year. and losing to buffalo. go browns!

  • 1 decade ago

    Giants!!!!!!! ELI will never be Peyton!!!! GO :) COLTS!!

    Mainly because of lack of respect for their coach Tom C. is a good man but people like Tiki B. last year are a joke and a cancer to a team kinda like Terrrell Owens!

  • 1 decade ago

    HOPEFULLY CLEVELAND.......may the choke continue.....if they comeback im gonna cry..How can u say the giants need the win the most........Cleveland will not control their destiny with one to go if they lose

  • 1 decade ago

    ah of course the good ol Cleveland Clowns!! They're finally back to what they used to be, they have a chance at the playoffs and they decide to throw it alay.

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