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Anonymous asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

my horse whats wrong?

2 days ago i got a 12 year old red sorral 15 hand qauter horse from a stable we let him go in the field and now when w e hollar at him he wont come we have to walk out in the field and get him.also when we go to mount him he tries to move.when we pet him he just stands there he isnt acting like many horses ive seen!

whats wrong with him?

is he just shy?

or does it take some time for horses to get used to new owners?

the field he was in last was bigger and had 36 horses now hes in a smaller field with a goat!

27 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is nothing unsual or anything to be concerned about...over time, your horse will begin to trust you and get used to your routine.....he, at this time, doesn't "not trust you", he just has no reason to trust patient, maintain a routine, be consistant and you will see the results that you want.

  • 1 decade ago

    Horses are a herd animal they thrive best when with other horses. Your horse is used to being in a herd so the lack of other horses is more than likely a huge factor into your horses behavior. He should bond with the goat, although and it is rare but I have seen it when a horse is separated from another horse it will actually get ill. As for his behavior when you go to get him and the other things it simply sounds like a training issue. When you go get him from the field take a bucket with little grain in it, just a couple mouthfuls for him. Before you know it you will have conditioned him to come to you soon as you enter the field. Just remember even if you later do not have grain in a bucket be sure to give him a treat when you get him into the barn. All in all I would not worry yet about your horse. Become his best friend and I think most of the rest of your concerns will resolve themselves. I hope this helps.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Just like people all horses are diffrent. Hes only been at your house for 2 days. If someone took you away from everything you knew and put you somewhere you too would probably act diffrent. Give him some time to relax and get used to the area. I would also hold off riding him for a few days. Maybe do some ground work with him and walk him around his new space. Let him see what he has now. He might not be used to you calling him. So he doesnt know you want him. Not every horse is verbal command trained. When you mount and he moves stop him. Once on don't go. Make him stand still for a few minutes. This will teach him that when you get on its not just go that he needs to wait for you to be ready. Thats something that should be taught because its unsafe for him to move as soon as your foot is in the stirrup. MAke sure you have contact in the reins so he feels it and maybe that will hint to him not to move foward. Don't let him move foward and get on from where he is now standing. Back him up to where YOU wanted it. If hes not acting like much when you pet him there probably isn't anything wrong. Maybe hes just relaxed. They make horse massagers that are like clear plastic with round balls on the end. Maybe get one for him and rub him down with that. You might get a reaction from that. Just give him time to get used to his new home and you and build your trust with him. There are alot of exercises you can do to help that. Try maybe a Natural Horsemenship method.

  • 1 decade ago

    You've only had the horse for two days and he's now in a completely new surrounding with people that he doesn't know. You have to give him time to get used to you, so exercise a little patience.

    When calling him in from the field, have a treat for him (a cookie or a small amount of grain). This way, he'll start associating you coming into the field with something good for him. Positive reenforcement is important, but don't be dissapointed if he remains a challenge to catch. Some horses have no problem and will come right up to you (especially if they know it means getting fed), and others will always try to run away. Don't yell at him, but call him gently. Yelling means danger and that will certainly not encourage him to come to you.

    He might also be unhappy being in a field all by himself now, especially since he's used to being in a large field with many other horses. A goat is ok companionship for a horse, but you have to give him time to get used to his new surroundings.

    I personally wouldn't be trying to ride a horse that you just took possession of two days ago as he needs time to adjust. But if you ready must ride him, you have to show a great deal of patience as he's very nervous and uncertain. When trying to mount, be patient as he gets used to you. Have someone hold him while you mount and always give him a pat and a compliment if he behaves properly. Only ride him for short periods at first and spend more time just being around him. Groom him and talk to him as much as possible. Let him start getting to know you and get comfortable in your presence. It takes normally a few weeks to acclimate a horse to his new environment and trying to rush the adjustment is counterproductive and will just make him more apprehensive. You need to be patient and he'll start to come around.

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  • Debi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Just needs time to settle in and work out how you do things in general. For him it's all very different to what he has been used to.

    As for coming when you call - mine will do that, they'll actually gallop down the field when I call - providing I'm calling them for feed. If I call them at any other random time there is no chance, I have to trek up the field with headcollars and haul them in !

    Moving off while being mounted - well that could be a lot of things ranging from saddle discomfort to plain ignorance or the fact that you accidentally stick your toe on and give a nudge as you get up there.

    Stands still while you pet him ? How polite - at least you're not getting neddy snot all up your arm. Or a nose rammed into your armpit ! Wish mine would do that sometimes.

    Seriously, don't worry just give him time.

    And Merry Christmas !

  • 1 decade ago

    I would give some time to adjust to the new area, at least a week, then start the training, use a "dinner bell"... Ring the bell before you want to feed, go bring in your horse, and after while your horse will associate the ring of the bell with feeding time, and the horse should come when the bell is rung... by the end of a month's time there should be no more issues...

  • SuznAz
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Your horse spent 12 years somewhere else, and recently with a lot of horse companions. Now he is in a smaller field with a goat and new people he doesn't know. Horses aren't like dogs, they don't just come running up when you call...unless they know and trust you and decide they want your company. Invest some time in getting to know your horse, let him get used to his new home, pamper him with extra grooming, some treats and he'll likely settle in soon and let you be a member of his herd.

  • 1 decade ago

    He needs to get used to you, but I would also watch buying horses off a stable like that who buy and sell horses, they tend to give the horses stuff that will make them feel better, and act in a way they normally wouldn't if ya know what I mean! I bought a horse like that, I went and looked at her, and she was one of the calmest horses I have ever ridden, after I got her home, a few days later I went for a ride and she was crazy! She tried to buck me off and everything! She was the craziest horse I have ever owned!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ive had horses all my life and he is doing what all horses will do when you bring them to a new place.

    He doesnt know or trust you yet and it can take a few weeks for him to settle in and get to trust you

    just spend some time with him and he will come around

    He just has to get used to all his new surroundings

  • 1 decade ago

    First, nothing is wrong with your horse.

    Two days is a a very short period of time to expect a horse to get use to new surroundings and new people. He may not be trained to come when called...or he may just not want to. If you want to train him to come when called, first stop expecting him to and bond with him. Spend time petting him, brushing him, and talking to him. Go out to just "say hi" and bring him a treat. This way, he will start looking forward to spending time with you. Then he will start to come when he sees you coming, at this point, you can start calling his name as he is coming to you...then give him a treat and tell him good boy! :-)

    As far as mounting, this sounds like a habit created by his previous owner. To correct this, practice getting on and getting off. Be patient and kind to him. When you get on, hold the reins, if he starts to walk off, stop him, back him up to where you got on and then get off and try it again. When he does it right once, give him lots of praise and then move on to something else. If you do this each ride, he will soon stop doing this.

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